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ENG:Valle Río Pulul

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Rutas Patrimoniales.jpg Original content from Heritage Routes of Ministery of Public Patrimony


Ruta de Valle Río Pulul. Incluye el tramo vehicular

Instructions to follow the track in your smartphone

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Summary (editar)
Activity Trekking
Location Chile (english), Temuco
Scenery Mediana
Atractions Fuente Termal
Hot springs temperature Tibias
Duration 1 día

Algo Exigente

Effort 16.4 dopihoras
Trail Siempre Claro
Signage Inexistente
Infraestructure Inexistente
Topology Ida y Retorno por la misma ruta
Gain/Loss (meters) +3684, -2176 (±5860)
Distance (k) 0.088 (round trip)
Mean altitude 1355
Original creator Rutas Patrimoniales del Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales
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By car

Public transport

Route description


  • This trekking is described in full detail in the following topoguide of the Ministery of Public Patrimony. The printed guide can be obtained for free in the Ministery:56-2-3512100 -> 2325. It is hihgly recommended to take it to the walk, as it enriches the experience with descrptions of flora, fauna, geography and geology.

External Links


To see the full list of 681 routes of trekking and mountain climbing in Chile in spanish, click here
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