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GPT09 - Volcán Antuco

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GPT09: Circling the volcano Antuco. Image: Jan Dudeck

This is a simplified track file, not suitable for navigation on terrain. To get the detailed file see the following section on the main Greater Patagonian Trail article

__ Main trail
__ Packrafting

Instructions to follow the track in your smartphone
Mammut mobile.gif Wikiexplora.gif 347X140 wikiexplora.gif OR.gif
Summary (editar)
Activity Trekking
Location Chile, Los Ángeles
Atractions Vistas panorámicas
Duration días
"Días" no está en la lista de valores posibles (3 horas o menos, 1/2 día, 3/4 día, 1 día, 1 día y medio, 2 días, 3 días, 4 días, 5 días, 3 - 5 días, 6 - 7 días, 8 - 10 días, 11 - 14 días, 15 - 20 días, 20 - 25 días, 26 - 35 días, 36 - 60 días, 61 - 89 días, más de 90 días) para esta propiedad.
Trail Siempre Claro
Signage Inexistente
Infraestructure Inexistente
Topology Cruce
Gain/Loss (meters) +2336, -2218
Distance (k) 68.3
Skills No requiere
Original creator Jan Dudeck
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All GPT sections (click to show)

GPT Section Articles

Recent Alerts and Suggestions

  • Jan 22 2020 Frank RR Southbound

Went on OH-PR-V@09-B-#002, talked to Carabineros @ Border Control & told them I would stay in Chile & continue to Trapa Trapa. They were OK with that & didn't ask to see my passport, so I would say there is no need to divert around the border post any more.

Season Section Log

  • Start Date: January 10, 2020
  • Section: GPT 09 South Bound
  • Duration: 2 Days
  • Name/Alias: Ian Hikes
  • Overview: This section has you cross over a volcanic lava field and over a pass at first and then follows trails south thru and area with many puestos and ranches. The first part of this section involves some route finding and cross country while the second half follows well established dirt roads and dirt trails thru grass Valley.
  • Difficulties: WARNING: Huge snow field at the top of the pass that is untraversable. It is very steep and must be avoided if not yet melted. Must go around so please be safe. My biggest difficult was the sections across the lava rocks. My shoes were almost destroyed by this point and the sharp, jagged and uneven surface of the lava rock caused so much pain in my feet and completely took out what ever life was left in my trail runners. Also, lots of route finding and cross country in this area.
  • Highlights: Amazing mountain pass with many views of waterfalls. Glaciers.
  • Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at ultratrailca@gmail.com
  • 2020-Jan-22 / Martin / Regular route southbound

Combined sections 9 & 10. 4 days. Sierra Velluda and Antuco Volcanoe were amazing. In Trapa Trapa the two small shops were out of stock, so we couldn't buy anything. Pehuenche settlers in "veranadas" were really welcoming and friendly to us. We asked anyway for permission to camp close to their settlements. We were invited by familia Crespo Manquepi for tortillas, tea and some other food and stayed there for a few hours. They are welcome to recieve gpt hikers and in the future sell some food and lodging. Really kind family. Just before the last big climb in section 10. No water for a long stretch after it. Recomend the detour to Laguna Liay, amazing. Resupplied in Ralco.

  • Jan 22 2020 Frank RR (mostly) Southbound

2 days & continued to GPT10 on 2nd day. There is at least one place to stay in Abanico & as you go on the road past Abanico towards the park there are a few cabins & one campsite. In the park @ small lake 2K before Conaf1 there is a campsite with cabins. You pay 4000CLP entry @ Conaf but I went in before 8AM, no one there. At the pass, around 2050M on the shoulder of Antuco, I was able to slide down the lowest part of the snowfield. Northbound or earlier in the season you may need to go around it. Virtually no shade on this route. 3 small shops in Trapa Trapa. Last one, Provisiones Bety, has a rest area, she sometimes has bread.

  • 2020-Jan-15 / Maddie & Tom / Regular route southbound

1.5 days. Easy hitch from Abanico to the start of the National Park (~10km into the section). The CONAF station at the park entrance took us longer than expected to pass through and explain what we were doing (they appeared to be unsure as to whether we were crossing the border into Argentina or not). However after explaining our route to them they let us pass without paying the entrance fee to the national park. The cross country sections were easy to navigate and overall the trail was of good quality.

  • 2020-Jan-10 / Martina & Ivo / Regular route southbound

2.5 days. We passed the big snowfield at the right side through the rocks, as Matus suggested. It was steep but ok and definitively the shorter way around the snow. Nothing to add to the previous comments. In Trapa Trapa we continued straight to Section 10.

  • 4-Jan-2020 / Matus & Anna / Regular SOBO

GPT09 and GPT10 Season section log. We combined these two sections. It took us 3.5 days via regular trail SOBO. Trail in both section is in good condition. There is snowfield in first pass as was mentioned. We went left, but it would be worth to check is it's possible to go through rocks on the right as it seems much shorter. Water is not marked on a map but there is a stream before the pass. Resuply in Trapa Trapa is very limited. They had few tunas, other caned fish, some pasta, flour, cola, crisps... We didn't check for accomodation. We stayed in a paid campsite at Laguna el Barco for 5000 both. Around 8 there was a woman selling bread and sweet pastry, but mind that it was weekend. Resuply in Guallali again very limited. They have tunas, caned fish, pasta, oil, crackers and bit more. We are staying in a house next to the shop.

Summary Table

GPT09: Volcán Antuco
GPT09: Volcán Antuco Hiking Packrafting
Group B: Zona Arrieros Total 61.6 km 20 h 68.5 km 20 h
Region Chile: Bío Bío (VIII) Trails (TL) 23.1 km 37.5% 21.7 km 31.7%
Start Abanico Minor Roads (MR) 13.3 km 21.6% 14.3 km 20.9%
Finish Trapa Trapa, Posta Primary Roads (PR) 10.3 km 16.7% 11.0 km 16.0%
Status Published & Verified Cross-Country (CC) 14.9 km 24.2% 9.9 km 14.5%
Traversable Dec - Mar (Maybe: Nov, Apr) Bush-Bashing (BB) - - - -
Packraft Useful Ferry (FY) - - - -
Connects to GPT08, GPT10 Investigation (I) - - - -
Options 64 km (3 Options & Variants) Exploration (EXP) - - - -
Hiking Packrafting Total on Water 11.6 km 16.9%
Attraction 3 (of 5) 3 (of 5) River (RI) - -
Difficulty 3 (of 5) 3 (of 5) Lake (LK) 11.6 km 16.9%
Direction Both ↓↑ Both ↓↑ Fjord (FJ) - -
Comment -
Character Forest, Alpine Terrain, Volcanic Terrain, Summit Ascents, Mountain Pastures, Pehuenche
Challenges Exposure to Elements, Clambering

Satellite Image Map

Elevation Profile

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)

Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route

Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)

Section Planning Status

Recommended Travel Period

Benefits of Hiking and Packrafting

Recommended Travel Direction

Section Length and Travel Duration

Suitable Section Combinations

Section Attractiveness

Section Difficulty


Resupply Town

Shopping: Food

  • Antuco

Many smaller supermarkets, have most things - easy enough to resupply here. One of the two ferreterías has gas. Many accommodation options and some restaurants

  • Abanico

At least one shop. A pizzeria Bus to Antuco/Los Angeles

  • Trapa Trapa

3 shops but they are all small. They all have biscuits & soft drinks. First one has ice cream & flour. Second one has pasta, matches, chocolate, canned fish. Third one ( Provisiones Bety) sometimes has bread.

Accomodation in a small room at the waypoint "lodging, food" - 20,000 pesos for dinner, breakfast and accommodation.

Bus to Ralco

Shopping: Fuel

Shopping: Equipment

Services: Restaurants

Services: Laundry

Services: ATM and Money Exchange

Accommodation: Hostals and Hotels

Accommodation: Cabañas

Accommodation: Camping

Transport: Ground Transport

Transport: Ferries

Transport: Shipping Services

Resupply on the Trail

Location, Names, Available Items and Services

Access to Route and Return

Access to Start

Bus from Los Angeles to Antuco about once an hour in daytime. A few of them continue to Abanico or you can hitch fairly easily.

Updated January 2022: Bus from Trapa Trapa to Ralco at 6 and 18 every day including weekends

Return from Finish

Escape Options

Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues

This is the only place where it is strongly recommended to sneak around a police station. This recommendation applies in particular to all non-Chileans going southbound. The reason: The forward border control Pichachen is located about 20 km before the actual border. And only here the regional superiors of the PDI (Policia de Investigation) came up with the silly rule that everyone that passes the border control post towards Argentina gets stamped out of the country regardless if he leaves Chile or not. They simply ignore the fact that a few kilometers down the main road at Piedra del Indio long before reaching Argentina a horse trail diverts towards the next village in Chile called Trapa Trapa. Should you get an exit stamp into your passport but continue to hike in Chile you will be an illegal alien without a valid tourist visa. This may not instantly cause you a problem but the next time you want to leave Chile orderly i.e. from an airport the immigration system will show that you illegally in Chile and the police will assume that you trespassed into Chile. And that’s taken pretty serious. Forget about your flight and your further travel plans. Every hikers that passed this border control got into some kind of trouble and caused these officers a headache. Some hikers could convince them after long discussions to pass without an exit stamp. Some hikers got and exit stamp and run into problems later. Some hikers pretended to walk back and took a partly overgrown route to walk around the border control. When we hiked this section in January 2014 I got unasked an exit stamp while they “just checked my documents” but luckily after a long talk I could convince them to give me a new entry stamp. You can’t blame these poor officials at the border control for this situation; they understand these occasional hikers but their regional superiors gave them strict orders. In short: this place is a potential disaster for hikers and hikers are a disturbance for these officials. Therefore, to avoid this issue I simply rerouted the regular hiking route to bypass the border control post Pichachen. It’s easier for everyone: for the hikers and for the poor police officer that have to comply with this silly order. The re-routed track leads cross country through the normally dry lake bed of the Laguna de Las Lajas and just crosses the main road at the diversion to Trapa Trapa. Walking around the border control may be suspicious but is not illegal and saves everyone nerves and endless discussions. It actually prevents you from getting into an illegal migration status while staying in Chile. The Regular Packrafting Route anyway bypasses the border control. Luckily this is the only border control post I’m aware off where such a stupid rule is applied. In many other forward border controls you need to proactively approach the police and request your exit stamp if you plan to leave Chile. Should you just visit the area between the border control and the actual border you can normally just pass or explain your intentions.

Regular Route

Regular Hiking Route

Regular Packrafting Route

Optional Routes

Investigations and Explorations

Links to other Resources

Alerts and Logs of Past Seasons