→Traditional Food
This is not a listing of all the standard trekking foods like pasta and cereals. If you attempt this long distance trail you should know all this by heart. This section lists and describes selected traditional food items that are typical for this region but may be less known outside or named differently.
'''Harina Tostada''' is toasted ground wheat. It comes as a brownish powder and tasts like corn flakes but it needs to be mixed first with a liquid to eat. The most comon form to eat harina tostada is mixing with water but also beer, wine or juice can be used. Also sugar may be added if mixed with whaterwater. Depending on the mixing ratio it will be a thick paste or completely liquid. Try yourself and find out how you like it most, it's the perfect trekking food. See the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gofio wikipedia article] for more information to this versatile staple food.
'''Yerba Mata''' is a energizing coffein-rich hot trink. You fill about half a cup with the tee-like "yerba", pour hot water over it and trink it with a special straw that acts at the same as an filter. This staw is called "bombilla". You can pour again and again water over it to keep trinking. Sharing mate with other people is a common ritual in these region. You will certainly be offered this rather bitter drink when you meet and chat with the locals. See also the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_%28beverage%29 wikipedia article to Mate] for more information.