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Greater Patagonian Trail

566 bytes añadidos, 19:36 1 ago 2014
Entrance Permits and Fees
==Entrance Permits and Fees==
Nearly the entire trail can be hiked without asking for entrance permits or paying an entrence fees. A few exceptions are mentioned already above under [[#Trekking Direction|Tekking Direction]]. The right of way is a vague and sometimes ignored public right in Chile. By Chilean law access to the coast, lakes and rivers is a public right but there are numerous cases where this right get disregarded. I'm not sufficently familiar with Chilean law to state if this is legal or not   Some rich landlords with huge plots employ guards and instruct them to deny access to anyone. but some landowners disregard it. I'm not aware of the legal situation in respect of hiking trails but if this is a public right as well than it is occasinally disregarded.
==Logistical Considerations==

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