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* 2022-Dec-06 to 2022–Dec-08 / Hiking / SOBO / Tomáš
I continued from the Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo. I went up to Cerro Los Cristales, there was entel 4g Entel 4G for fifteen minutes on the ridge and then it stopped completely, but I managed to have a audio call over internet. Nice view on lakes from the top but a detour. Have not met anybody all three days it took me to walk this. The cows were all afraid of me (somebody commented they are territorial).
The MR till the waypoint last water 50 km (it is not 50 km from there!!!) is actually impassable for cars due to debris. There was plenty of water everywhere until then.
About 10 km further on, there is a puesto - it has water, you need to go in the puesto. There was nobody there so I slept there in the yard. From here on, there was 4g 4G Entel coverage pretty much everywhere.
About 1 km from the puesto, there is a horse trail going to the left (not mapped), I took it. It goes up and then it us is easy CC downhill. I took a detour to south-east due to misunderstanding what the mine looks like (it is that large flat white-yellow valley - probably debris from the mine). Thanks to that Ihave I have not met any gates. There was a trickle of water in the last water point ( i I crossed it somewhat upstream from RR). Walked under the dam and along the fence of the mine. Kept up from the RR, its suggested track lose loses some altitude for no reason.
The part on the ridge is quite beautiful, I would recommend not taking the emergency exits if you can(I also walked it between 4 PM and 9 PM, so it was not hot,but a very nice sunset). Very clear path pretty much everywhere. But it is far, took me five hours of fast walking to get to the road to Coya from mine. At the end, do not take the TL {02-M} option the seems like the shortest way to Coya from the end of the ridge. There is no trail, it is overgrown, Once I would call it bush bashing. No fun in the dark. Once i get got to the PR, I immediately hitched a car to Coya and stayed at a hostel for 15000 at 34.2057545S, 70.5306223W. Now I will try to get some food.