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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

781 bytes añadidos, 23:29 8 nov 2024
Season 2024/25: Añadí contenido
==Season 2024/25==
2024 Nov 3 - Nov 7 / 4 days / hiking / SOBO / RR - A / Karin
At the entrance of the natural reserve, the guard charged me 6000 pesos for entrance. There were barking but friendly dogs.
There is pleanty of water in the rivers. The Estero de Coyanco can be crossed in the mornings easily, in the afternoon after a hot day the current becomes stronger and higher, but still possible.
Snow patches start from about 2600m of altitude. In the afternoon, they are quite soft and easily traversable. But in the morning, they are frozen and very slippery, so that they become, without the right equipment, impossible to cross safely. In conclusion, the trail is not yet to be done. I think in 3-4 weeks it might be good to do so.
The ascent is still worth and nice until the snow.
2024-Nov-03 to 2024-Nov-06 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO /Variant A - RR / Lukas & Sarah

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