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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

3913 bytes añadidos, 18:31 14 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
• 2024-Jan-19 to 2024-Jan-24 / 5,5 days / SOBO / RR and variants A D E M N/ Matthias de Austria
Gate at 3.3/1049 locked at 8am, only a few barking dogs running towards me, but rather curious, not aggressive. It is relatively easy to climb round the gate directly to the left on the slope via a barbed wire. There's nobody at the reserve and kiosk either, so I save myself the entrance fee.
River crossings: no problems, nowhere more than 30-40cm water level and weak current.
Lots of water sources with the exception of the last stage at the mine. There I took 9 litres at Puesto 73.2/1857 and would have liked to have had more. 78.2/1736 had water at 6am. Water 64.3/1733 very sandy, but ok place to bath about 100-200m upstream on a side arm, a few trees for shade.
Camps: 1: close to ford at 21.6/2033 (without tent on the rock formations just upstream at the river crossing, the only campsite is right by the ford, but I didn't want to interfere with the arrieros - in fact a group crossed there at about 7:30am) 2: S 33 50.7081', W 070 25.1294' at the little arriero shelter, has water from pipe 3: Slightly north of Camp 02-D 1.3/2800 right at a bolder, water but small stream and lots of cow shit 4: Puesto 73.2/1857 (I arrived in the evening and just wanted to get water and then find somewhere to sleep, but they said it was dangerous because of the pumas and invited me to spend the night at the Puesto. They were very nice. They gave me lemonade, tea with whiskey, some bread and a sweet. They also offered me meat straight from the grill, but I kindly declined (vegetarian). We chatted a bit, as much as was possible with my very poor Spanish. I was allowed to use the simple shower and the toilet (it looked like it had never been cleaned, ever). I was offered a mattress, but it was so dirty that I preferred to put up my tent, which wasn't easy because of the dog shit lying around everywhere. At 10 o'clock in the evening, when I was already in my sleeping bag, they turned on a loud generator and music and it was extremely loud until 5 o'clock in the morning, music, 10 men talking loudly and at least as many dogs barking constantly. I didn't sleep a minute and left at around 5.30am when they went to bed. Horrible night! 5: Near 92.9/1734, no water
Two snowfields at the pass at about 3000m, which can be bypassed very easily and quickly.
The march over the ridge at the mine was brutal, no sleep at all, very heavy rucksack because of 9 litres of water, enormous heat without shade, but the worst were the Tabaneros, continuous mass attacks for hours while exposed on the ridge. I must have had 30+ bites and killed hundreds. I found the sections in the high mountains the most beautiful, very quiet, cooler, lots of water, beautiful views, no tabaneros. Saw three condors and arrieros lassoing cows.
The N variant is partly completely overgrown, partly easy to walk on.
To avoid possible right of way conflicts, you can simply bypass the car park at the mine entrance. There is an access to the car park directly from the H-263 road a little to the east. Directly at the entrance to the car park there is a clearly visible trail that climbs steeply a few meters up to the trees. Simply follow this path, it leads parallel to the car park directly to the RR. I recommend managing the RR in this way in future. It would also be a small improvement to avoid the bend in the road just before the 105.8/799 bridge. A staircase leads directly to the bridge as a shortcut.
There is no more accommodation in Coya. A friendly young local helped me, he called numerous numbers and asked people on the street/shops, but there was nothing, everything was closed or takes only larger groups, even the hotel in Termas de Cauquenes was shut down. I then took the bus to Rancagua. Bus stop near the supermarket, towards the bridge. From Monday to Saturday every hour from 7am to 10pm.
* 2023-Dec-28 to 2024-Jan-01 / 4,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR and variants A D F J / Matthieu

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