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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

12 bytes añadidos, 02:35 3 ene 2024
sin resumen de edición
-Between 20.7 and 27.5 : multiples river crosses, no problem with water
-Less water after the bridge at 64.3.
-River Good stream with tiny cascada at 66.7 just before the nice camp spot at 67 km.
-Surely water at puesto 73.2 as you can see a river below, but not on the RR (underground pipe ?)
-78.8 : Important water spot as Lilian said, last until the road on all the ridge. This is NOT a big stream now, I don't know if it will still flow in a month. Note that there is an emergency exit at this moment if you have water problems. Some workers were here, working in fields.

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