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{{Google Translator|Pochoco}}
{{Trekking Chile}}
{{Trekking Chile}}
[[Imagen:Pochoco_nevado.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Desde la cumbre de un Pochoco inusualmente nevado hacia el noreste. Agosto de 2009]]
[[Image: Pochoco_nevado.jpg|right|thumb|300px|From the summit of a Pochoco unusually snowy northeast. August 2009]]  
==Epoca adecuada==
== Season==  
[[Imagen:Pochoco.JPG|thumb|300px|right|Vista del primer tercio (en primer plano) y del último tramo del último tercio (arriba). Tomada hacia el sureste, agosto de 2009]]
[[Image: Pochoco.JPG|thumb|300px|right|View of the first third (foreground) and the last leg of the last third (top). Taken to the southeast, August 2009]]  
Todo el año, aunque es preferible evitar los meses más secos (enero a marzo), cuando es un tierral, y privilegiar los de invierno, cuando el cerro está verde y se puede la belleza del [[Olla del Plomo|macizo del Plomo]] y de [[Glaciar La Paloma|La Paloma]] nevados. Los días inmediatamente posteriores a las lluvias invernales, cuando hay algo de nieve en la cumbre, son los mejores.
All year, but preferably avoid the driest months (January to March), when an earth?, And to privilege the winter, when the hill is green and can be the beauty of the Plomo massif and [[Glacier La Paloma | La Paloma]] snow. The days immediately following the winter rains, when there is some snow at the summit, are best.  
== Access ==  
===En auto===
===By car ===  
Se debe subir por Avenida Las Condes hasta donde ésta se acaba, en Plaza San Enrique. Una vez ahí, se debe doblar a la derecha por Pastor Fernández. Continuar por ahí, cruzar el Mapocho, pasar lomos de toro y luego girar a la izquierda en una estrechísima calle llamada Camino el Alto. Se debe continuar por esta calle hasta donde ésta termina (donde hay una bifurcación, Camino el Alto es la que sube, hacia la derecha; la de la izquierda es Las Acacias), que es donde se encuentra el estacionamiento del Pochoco y el observatorio astronómico del mismo nombre.
It should go up Avenida Las Condes where it ends up in Plaza San Enrique. Once there, you must turn right by Pastor Fernandez. Continue around, cross the Mapocho bull riding pass and then turn left onto a narrow street called Camino Alto. We must continue down this street to where it ends (where there is a junction, Camino High is coming up, to the right, the left is Las Acacias), which is where the parking lot and the astronomical observatory Pochoco the same name.  
*[http://maps.google.cl/?ie=UTF8&ll=-33.357201,-70.478239&spn=0.017493,0.038581&t=h&z=15 Ver en Google Maps]
*[http://maps.google.cl/?ie=UTF8&ll=-33.357201,-70.478239&spn=0.017493,0.038581&t=h&z=15 View in Google Maps]
===En transporte público y autostop===
=== Public transport and hitchhiking ===  
Sólo se puede llegar en microbus hasta Plaza San Enrique. Desde acá se puede tomar un colectivo hasta el estacionamiento del Pochoco por cerca de $1.300 (PRECISAR!)
Only reachable by microbus to Plaza San Enrique. From here you can take a bus to the parking lot of Pochoco for about $ 1,300 (Accurate!)  
Un fin de semana, es posible caminar por Pastor Fernández y hacer autostop. Si se va con "cara de trekking" no es improbable lograr un aventón, sobre todo a partir de Camino el Alto, cuando es obvio que el destino es El Pochoco (un día de semana es bastante más improbable).
One weekend, you can walk through Pastor Fernandez and hitchhike. If you are going to "face trekking" is unlikely to achieve a ride, especially from the High Road when it is obvious that the destination is the Pochoco (a weekday is much more unlikely).  
==Descripción de la ruta==
==Route description ==  
[[Imagen:Mapa_Pochoco.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Ruta del Pochoco]]
[[Image: Mapa_Pochoco.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Route Pochoco]]  
La ruta comienza en el estacionamiento descrito. Desde este punto se debe comenzar cruzando una barrera de madera que se ubica hacia el noreste. Desde este punto se podrá observar que no hay un sólo sendero, sino en realidad una red de pequeños senderos entretejidos que se bifurcan y luego se vuelven a unir, asi que no es necesario detenerse ante cada bifurcación para evaluar la alternativa corercta: todas llegan a la cumbre.
The route starts in the parking lot described. From this point you should start crossing a wooden fence that is located to the northeast. From this point you will notice that not a single path, but actually a small network of intertwined forking paths and then reassembled, so there is no need to stop at each branch to assess the corercta alternative: they all come to the summit.  
La ruta está claramente marcada en tres tramos separados por dos descansos. El primer tramo, parte subiendo por la ladera, bordeando el observatorio del Pochoco, en dirección al sureste. A los 5 a 10 minutos se cruza un portal de madera que siempre está abierto. Luego la ruta gira más hacia el este y sube por la ladera norte del pochoco. Es una zona de vegetación escasa y sendero ancho y polvoriento, que en verano puede ser bastante resbaladiza. Luego alcanza algunas rocas árboles, y zigzaguea un poco (en esta zona puede perderse un poco el sendero) antes de alcanzar el filo. Estamos en la arista oeste del Pochoco, apareció el valle del río Mapocho hacia el sur y hemos logrado el primer descanso. El segundo tramo es más amigable, pues asciende a lo largo de la arista en dirección al este. La ruta se alterna entre pequeños tramos en la ladera norte (seca) y sur (boscosa, poblada de quillayes). Mientras 
The route is clearly marked in three sections separated by two breaks. The first tranche, part going up the hill, bordering the observatory Pochoco, heading southeast. After 5 to 10 minutes you cross a wooden portal is always open. Then the route turns to the east and up the northern slope of Pochoco. It is an area of sparse vegetation and wide, dusty trail, which in summer can be quite slippery. After reaching some trees, rocks, and meanders a bit (in this area may miss some path) before reaching the edge. We are in the western ridge of Pochoco appeared Mapocho River valley to the south and have achieved the first break. The second part is more friendly, then ascends along the ridge eastward. The route alternates between small sections on the northern slope (dry) and south (forest, inhabited by quillayes). While
[[Imagen:segundo descanso pochoco.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Vista desde el segundo descanso hacia el tercer tercio. Mayo de 2005]]
[[Image: segundo descanso pochoco.jpg|thumb|300px|right|View from the second break to the last third. May 2005]]  
[[Imagen:Perfil_Pochoco.png|thumb|300px|right|Perfil del altura del Pochoco]] se esté en la arista, no hay como perderse, aunque por tramos la ruta parezca confusa. Se cruzan varias rocas grandes. Tras alcanzar una especie de cumbre falsa y bajar unos pocos metros se alcanzael segundo descanso. Este lugar es topográficamente una "silla de montar", con el terreno subiendo hacia la cumbre y desde donde venimos, pero bajando hacia nuestra derecha e izquierda. Un buen lugar para descansar y contemplar el tramo rocoso final hacia la cumbre.  
[[Image: Perfil_Pochoco.png|thumb|300px|right|height profile Pochoco]] will be on the edge, there's nothing like getting lost, though the route may seem confusing sections. They pass several large boulders. After reaching a kind of false summit and down a few meters alcanzael second break. This place is topographically a "saddle" with the ground rising to the summit and from where we came from, but down to our right and left. A good place to relax and watch the final rocky stretch to the summit.  
La ruta sigue por la arista unos pocos metros hasta que esta desaparece y enfrenta el macizo rocoso final. Se debe superar un pequeño canalón de roca que requiere usar las manos para afirmarse (es muy fácil, que nadie se asuste). Luego el sendero continúa girando hacia el sur. La última parte zigzaguea entre las rocas y los cactus (hay varias bifurcaciones irrelevantes) antes de alcanzar la cumbre.
The route follows the ridge a few yards until it disappears and facing the final rock mass. It must overcome a small gutter rock that requires using hands to assert (it is very easy, nobody panic). Then the trail continues to turn south. The last part zigzags between the rocks and cactus (there are several branches irrelevant) before reaching the summit.
== Variants ==  
Desde la cumbre del Pochoco, es posible continuar a [[Llanos de Javier]], un trekking de cerca de 6 horas en total.  
From the summit of Pochoco, you may continue to [[Llanos de Javier]], a trek of about 6 hours total.  
===Tiempo esperado===
===Expected Time ===  
* A un ritmo normal de caminata, este trekking debiera tomar cerca de una hora y media hasta la cumbre: 35 minutos los tramos 1 y 2, 20 minutos el tramo 3.  
* A normal walking pace, this trek should take about an hour and half to the summit: 35 minutes sections 1 and 2, 20 minutes to stretch 3.  
* Si se va por primera vez, sacando fotos y contemplando el paisaje, considerar cerca de dos horas
* If you go first, taking photos and enjoying the scenery, take about two hours
* Este es un cerro habitual para los "skyrunners". No es raro ver gente al trote que baja la barrera de los 40 minutos desde el estacionamiento hasta la cumbre.
* This is a normal hill for "skyrunners. It is not uncommon to see people trotting lowering the barrier of 40 minutes from the parking lot to the summit.  
Considerar media hora a 45 minutos para el descenso. Al trote no son más de 20.
Consider a half hour to 45 minutes for the descent. At the trot are not over 20.  
====Ranking de velocidad====
La siguiente es un ranking de velocidades de ascenso al Pochoco, midiendo el tiempo desde el estacionamiento hasta lo que tradicionalmente se considera como cumbre. No es un ranking absoluto, sino simplemente el ranking que ha sido generado espontáneamente por los propios usuarios de [[Sobre Wikiexplora|Wikiexplora]]. Nadie fiscaliza que la información sea veraz, pero la experiencia demuestra la exposición es tal que muy pocos se arriesgan a mentir. Si has hecho un tiempo mejor que alguno de los de la lista ¡Agrégalo! Sólo debes hacer click en "Editar" en esta sección.  
{{Encabezado runners}}
{{runners|Cristián Puelma|22 de febrero de 2006|38|07}}
{{runners|Ricardo Santa María J.|4 de abril de 2009|39|43}}
{{runners|J.F. López|?|40|12}}
{{runners|Andrés González|Noviembre de 2007|41|54}}
==Permisos / Tarifas==
== Permits / Fees ==  
* Esta ruta no requiere permisos ni se cobra entrada.
* This route does not require permits or admission is charged.  
== Recommendations ==  
* No hay agua en todo el camino
* There is water all the way
* Si se va un fin de semana o un día feriado en la mañana, se debe estar preparado para encontrarse con MUCHA gente. Incluso es muy probable que no haya lugar en el estacionamiento después de las 10 am y que sea necesario estacionar más abajo (no hay problema con eso en todo caso).
* If you are a weekend or a holiday in the morning, be prepared to meet many people. It is even likely that there is no place in the parking lot after 10 am and be required to park below (no problem with that anyway).  
* Si bien este es un cerro muy fácil, hay tramos de bastante material suelto y no poca pendiente, que hace frecuentes los resbalones. Es común que el Pochoco sea elegido por los santiaguinos como su primera aproximación al mundo del trekking o del montañismo y acaben desilusionados y molestos por caídas y las raspaduras. Por la misma razón, es bueno ir con zapatos con suela adecuada, evitando las zapatillas de suela demasiado lisa.
* While this is an easy hill, there are stretches of loose material and not enough small slope, which makes frequent slips. It is common for Pochoco be elected by the people of Santiago as their first approach to the world of mountaineering and trekking or end up disillusioned and disgusted by falls and scrapes. For the same reason it is good to go with right-soled shoes, avoiding too smooth soled shoes.  
==Ruta y waypoints en Google Earth==
== Map and waypoints in Google Earth ==  
*[[Media:Pochoco.kmz|Waypoints del Pochoco]]. {{Descargar waypoints}}
* [[Media: Pochoco.kmz | Waypoints of Pochoco]]. {{Download waypoints}}

Revisión del 16:43 1 nov 2009

This route has been translated automatically using Google Translate.png. Help us to improve it!
From the summit of a Pochoco unusually snowy northeast. August 2009


View of the first third (foreground) and the last leg of the last third (top). Taken to the southeast, August 2009

All year, but preferably avoid the driest months (January to March), when an earth?, And to privilege the winter, when the hill is green and can be the beauty of the Plomo massif and La Paloma snow. The days immediately following the winter rains, when there is some snow at the summit, are best.


By car

It should go up Avenida Las Condes where it ends up in Plaza San Enrique. Once there, you must turn right by Pastor Fernandez. Continue around, cross the Mapocho bull riding pass and then turn left onto a narrow street called Camino Alto. We must continue down this street to where it ends (where there is a junction, Camino High is coming up, to the right, the left is Las Acacias), which is where the parking lot and the astronomical observatory Pochoco the same name.

Public transport and hitchhiking

Only reachable by microbus to Plaza San Enrique. From here you can take a bus to the parking lot of Pochoco for about $ 1,300 (Accurate!) One weekend, you can walk through Pastor Fernandez and hitchhike. If you are going to "face trekking" is unlikely to achieve a ride, especially from the High Road when it is obvious that the destination is the Pochoco (a weekday is much more unlikely).

Route description

Route Pochoco

The route starts in the parking lot described. From this point you should start crossing a wooden fence that is located to the northeast. From this point you will notice that not a single path, but actually a small network of intertwined forking paths and then reassembled, so there is no need to stop at each branch to assess the corercta alternative: they all come to the summit. The route is clearly marked in three sections separated by two breaks. The first tranche, part going up the hill, bordering the observatory Pochoco, heading southeast. After 5 to 10 minutes you cross a wooden portal is always open. Then the route turns to the east and up the northern slope of Pochoco. It is an area of sparse vegetation and wide, dusty trail, which in summer can be quite slippery. After reaching some trees, rocks, and meanders a bit (in this area may miss some path) before reaching the edge. We are in the western ridge of Pochoco appeared Mapocho River valley to the south and have achieved the first break. The second part is more friendly, then ascends along the ridge eastward. The route alternates between small sections on the northern slope (dry) and south (forest, inhabited by quillayes). While

View from the second break to the last third. May 2005
height profile Pochoco
will be on the edge, there's nothing like getting lost, though the route may seem confusing sections. They pass several large boulders. After reaching a kind of false summit and down a few meters alcanzael second break. This place is topographically a "saddle" with the ground rising to the summit and from where we came from, but down to our right and left. A good place to relax and watch the final rocky stretch to the summit.

The route follows the ridge a few yards until it disappears and facing the final rock mass. It must overcome a small gutter rock that requires using hands to assert (it is very easy, nobody panic). Then the trail continues to turn south. The last part zigzags between the rocks and cactus (there are several branches irrelevant) before reaching the summit.


From the summit of Pochoco, you may continue to Llanos de Javier, a trek of about 6 hours total.

Expected Time

  • A normal walking pace, this trek should take about an hour and half to the summit: 35 minutes sections 1 and 2, 20 minutes to stretch 3.
  • If you go first, taking photos and enjoying the scenery, take about two hours
  • This is a normal hill for "skyrunners. It is not uncommon to see people trotting lowering the barrier of 40 minutes from the parking lot to the summit.

Consider a half hour to 45 minutes for the descent. At the trot are not over 20.

Permits / Fees

  • This route does not require permits or admission is charged.


  • There is water all the way
  • If you are a weekend or a holiday in the morning, be prepared to meet many people. It is even likely that there is no place in the parking lot after 10 am and be required to park below (no problem with that anyway).
  • While this is an easy hill, there are stretches of loose material and not enough small slope, which makes frequent slips. It is common for Pochoco be elected by the people of Santiago as their first approach to the world of mountaineering and trekking or end up disillusioned and disgusted by falls and scrapes. For the same reason it is good to go with right-soled shoes, avoiding too smooth soled shoes.

Map and waypoints in Google Earth

  • Waypoints of Pochoco. To download the file right-click and then select "Save file as" (IE) or "Save link as" (Firefox, Chrome). By trying to open it directly, some browsers will show the raw code with the coordinates.