GPT30P (Canal Puyuhuapi)
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Add a new log entry always on top in the appropriate season sub-chapter and use format:
* '''Start Date to Finish Date (use Format YYYY-MMM-DD) / Duration in Days / Hiking or Packrafting / Travel Direction (SOBO for Southbound or NOBO Northbound) / Chosen Route and/or Option Name (RR for Regular Route) / Names or Alias'''
If you are packrafting, put the above info into HTML tags like this (if you follow a hiking route for part of the way, highlight only "packrafting", as above):
* <span style="background-color:aqua;">'''YYYY-MMM-DD / X days / Packrafting / SOBO / RP / Your name'''</span>.
Include remarks about your route useful for other hikers and packrafters, alerts, suggestions and personal perception of attractiveness and difficulties. Try to be specific. Do not be shy to fix obvious mistakes.
Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions
Season 2025/26
Season 2024/25
- GPT30P / NOBO Canal Puyuhuapi from Puerto Cisnes to Puyuhuapi / 2024-Nov-16 & 17 / 1.5 days / Meylin Ubilla and Jan Dudeck
We opted to start with this route to get back into packrafting after 9 month break. In calm weather this route is uncomplicated with plenty potential camp sites.
Windy predicted less than 10 km/h wind during the entire day and the prediction was spot on. The somewhat overcasted sky with a bit of rain typically results in little wind.
Tidal flows were less then 1 km/h and did not affect our paddling in a clearly noticeable way.
We followed the Regular Packrafting Route which first stays on the populated eastern shore with plenty of potential camp sites. When reaching Canal Jacaf at 14:00 there was still no wind so we opted to cross to the western shore which is more wind protected (exactly as suggested by the Regular Packrafting Route). Crossing Seno Queulat can expose packrafters to stong wind from side (wind from the west). The disadvantage of the Regular Packrafting Route is 16 km distance to the next good camp site. The waypoint “Building {30P} [30.3/28]” is a holiday home of a superrich and the caretaker does not like people camping there. The waypoint “ Camp {30P} [34.7+0.4/12]” is rather low and not suitable during spring tide, especially when the maximum level is expected during the night. So we paddled a little of 40 km to reach waypoint “ Settler {30P} [39.5/10]”. Here a settler (Hugo) arrived in 1984 to build a small homestead. They welcomed us to pitch our tent for one night next to their home.
On the next morning we paddled to Puyuhuapi. We briefly stopped at the hot springs at Lat -44.36516, Long -72.59654 but the pools were fillec with sediments so we moved on without taking a bath.
On arrival at Puyuhuapi I asked around for a car that could drive us directly to Lago Rosselot (50 km drive) without dismantling the packraft. “Pollo” (+56 9 4089 6981) quickly agreed to drive us for 70,000 CLP with a Pickup Truck to Lago Rosselot so we stayed in our dry suits and just deflated our boat and loaded it on the back of the truck.
We opted against Lago Risopatron and Rio Risopatron to use the remaining 2 days of good weather at the 21 km long Lago Rosselot.
Season 2023/24
Season 2022/23
Season 2021/22
- GPT30P Puerto Cisnes - Puyuhuapi - La Junta/ Packrafting Route / NoBo/ 2022 Jan-7 / 6 days / Tobias Schorcht
No surprises in Canal Puyuhuapi except Dophins, Sea Lions and Penguins :). Recomment to packraft Lago Risopatrón NoBo because of the predominant wind direction. Made a sail out of my tent which worked out very well. Kayaking Río Risopatrón is beatiful, even though there are many trees in the River. But I just had to bypass 4 times, so it it’s not a big deal. Enjoyed that Part a lot :).
Resupply and Accommodation
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Retired Section Article GPT30P - Canal Puyuhuapi