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Greater Patagonian Trail track files

112 bytes añadidos, 20:41 20 dic 2019
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*'''Shn0rhelezName or Wikiexplora Username''': Hi,I am Anton from Sofia,Bulgaria...me Planned Travel Period and my girlfriend are starting from sec6 in the middle Description of January...we have around four months...thank you for your remarkable work!!!Travel Plan 
 *'''Shn0rhelez''': Hi,I am Anton from Sofia,Bulgaria...me and my girlfriend are starting from sec6 in the middle of January...we have around four months...thank you for your remarkable work!!! *'''Gatodelmonte''': Starting on 2 January from Santiago, planning to hike South for about 45 days & exit near Pucon (sections 1 to 15) 
*'''Fedepatagon''': Like to pack raft on the area between Bariloche-Osorno and P.N Los Alerces
*'''Vincent Paquet''': My girlfriend and I are planning to spend 3 weeks walking from december 18 2019 to Jan 10 2020. We're still selecting the exact sections. Cheers!!
*'''Tmattson425''': Plan for this year is to solo trek sections 1 through 19 (southbound) starting in mid-January 2020. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires and plan on returning in following seasons to complete the GPT, try packrafting, and explore alternate routes. Extremely excited an grateful that this trek is possible. Thank you!
*'''SalomeS''': Planning for a 6 month trip with my husband starting in Oct/Nov 2020. Planning to hike all or most of the GPT. We would be incredibly grateful to receive the gps track files. Thank you!
*'''Ianhikes'''* Leaving for Chile in 1 week and looking to spend a month on GPT hiking southbound.
*'''zc0rp10''': Hi! Planning and preparing for an extended hike together with two friends from November 2020 - Feb 2021.
*'''ELLI''': together with a friend we plan to hike the sections of the main route but in opposite direction starting in the area around Lago viedma in first days of January 2020, we have approx. 4 month time
*'''bob451''': Planning on solo hiking 2 or 3 sections of the GPT northbound March/April 2019.
*'''Mgabenesch''' : Planning on hiking most parts of the GPT, starting in Ushuaïa then going North. I have on year off. Starting Dec 2019
*'''Family Size''': Planning on hiking parts of the GPT southbound. Starting end of November 2019.
*'''shaunchurch''': Hope to solo hike/packraft a few sections southbound. Section 15 or 17 in Dec 2019. Then maybe a couple more from among sections 21-31 in Jan and Feb 2020.
*'''iank''':2 months jan and feb 2020. Hope to hike isla navarino, cirque of huemuls and then cochrane to chile chico. More northerly secions maybe 2021.
*'''dsmit3000''': Solo hiker planning on hiking GPT40-31 northbound November-January 2019.
*'''2As''': We plan to walk in Chile and Argentina from mid October 2019 to mid march 2020. We don't have precisely planned our trip but the root of our trip is to go by foot through Patagonia and also discover Chile and his people and culture.
*'''A pat''': We plan to do several sections of the GPT (Need to confirm but we are interesting in sections 08-22 and 35- 40) from January to early March 2020.

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