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Greater Patagonian Trail

144 bytes añadidos, 20:58 14 jul 2017
Statements about the GPT by Hikers and Packrafters
[[File:GPT36H-Ruta_de_los_Pioneros.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT36H: Poorly maintained historic horse trail "Ruta de los Pioneros". Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:GPT16-Quetrupillan.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT16: Circling the volcano Quetrupillan with the volcano Villarica in the background. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:GPT09-Laguna_de_las_Lajas.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT16: Circling the volcano Antuco that dammed-up the Laguna de Las Lajas. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:GPT01_Gerald.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT02: Highest point of the GPT in the Precordillera. Image: Gerald Klamer]]
[[File:GPT01-P0003.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT06: Horse Riding at the Volcano Descabezado. Image: Jan Dudeck]]

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