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Greater Patagonian Trail

46 bytes añadidos, 12:07 29 jun 2017
* There is no ferry service over Lago Viedma. This lake is also far to wind-exposed and therefore to my current knowledge to dangerous to be packrafted.
* There is no legal border crossing between Argentina and Chile on the prospective routes (between Lago Argentino and Torres del Paine). There seams to be a legal way to apply for a special expedition permit but this seems utterly complicated and I know nobody who did this.
* Hiking in Torres del Paine became very restrictive and requires i.e. advance reservations for camp sites that must be made several months in advance what is not practical for such an unpredictable long distance hike.
Overcoming these challenges is not impossible. But but attempting a continuous southbound extension makes out of an already very challenging long distance hike a bureaucratic and probably quite expensive expedition. An alternative is giving up continuity and bus around these obstacles without connecting footsteps.

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