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Greater Patagonian Trail

37 bytes añadidos, 18:08 22 jun 2017
Statements about the GPT by Hikers and Packrafters
[[#Piia Kortsalo and Oliver Barker|Piia Kortsalo and Oliver Barker]]: "We’re filled with incredible memories of our time on the GPT, and the landscape and culture of the Chilean Andes will stay with us forever. While hiking the GPT was an incredible experience for us, we don't imagine this as the right trail for everyone. The GPT is closer to an idea of a route than an established trail; hikers setting out expecting a well-organized, continuous, marked hiking trail will inevitably be disappointed. The GPT really is a route for a very specific sort of hiker, one who's as interested in natural history and cultural experience as they are in trail miles."

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