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Greater Patagonian Trail

456 bytes añadidos, 09:08 25 may 2017
Horse or Hiking Trails (TL)
Along these trails practically no signposts indicate directions and only few trail markers facilitate route finding. Tracks quite often split up and rejoin and it in such spots locations it is often unclear what is the main trail and what is just a cattle treading. Such trails occasionally peter out and disappear in particular where they cross open terrain and where neither the landscape nor the vegetation constrain riding or walking.  On many of these trails an customary right-of-way applies but some trails cross private land. Often it can not be recognized what is the case. Gates and fences occasionally close these trails. This does not necessarily indicate the entrance or exit of a private property because gates and fences over trails are primarily set up to keep animals either in and out. Keep all gates exactly as you found them, either close them again or leave them open.

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