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Greater Patagonian Trail

764 bytes añadidos, 21:56 23 may 2017
Primary and Paved Roads (PR)
The two-letter-abbreviation for '''P'''rimary and '''P'''aved '''R'''oads is: '''PR'''  ====Ferry (FY)====There are several lakes along the route that cannot be walk around on a suitable hiking route. When thru-hiking the entire trail along the regular route in two or three hiking seasons than you need to cross 4 lakes by ferry and you require 4 boat transfers over rivers and lakes. So you cannot walk the entire length of the trail without any non-motorized travel.  Also if you opt to packraft the GPT you will need to take at least 3 ferries when attempting a multi-season thru-hike. Some lakes and fjords along the packraft route are simply to fierce for a such a small boat and only a daredevil would throw himself into these potentially suicidal waters.  '''FY''' is the two-letter-code for such '''F'''err'''y''' and boat transfer routes.

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