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Greater Patagonian Trail

93 bytes añadidos, 20:48 23 may 2017
Trail Length and Trail Types
==Trail Length and Trail Types==
[[File:GPT02-P0063.jpg|thumb|500px|Trail on of Section GPT07 next to the Laguna Dial. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:Two-Track_Road.jpg|thumb|500px|Two-Track Road on GPT08 next to the hots springs Los Peucos. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:Minor_Road.jpg|thumb|500px|Minor Road on GPT16. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:Cross_Country.jpg|thumb|500px|Cross Country route on of Section GPT11 near Las Monjas. Image: Jan Dudeck]][[File:Bush_Bashing.jpg|thumb|500px|Bush Bashing route on GPT23. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:Primary_Road.jpg|thumb|500px|Primary Road on GPT09 next to Laguna de Las Lajas. Image: Jan Dudeck]]

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