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Greater Patagonian Trail

540 bytes añadidos, 19:57 23 may 2017
Minor and Two-Track Roads (MR)
====Minor and Two-Track Roads (MR)====
The second choice were rarely traveled minor roads and two-track roads. Such minor roads typically provide access to isolated settlements or villages without attracting any transit traffic. Until recently some of these villages could only be reached on horse or by food. Regional governments try to improve the living conditions in these remote settlements by upgrading the traditional horse trails into minor dirt roads. This might be sad for hikers but since we are only guests we have no reason to complain.   Other routes that are categorized as minor roads are simple two-track roads or car tracks that were created by locals by simply driving their all terrain vehicles to their homes and outposts without building a proper road. Also forest and logging roads are put in this category of minor roads.   These minor roads may be private or public and you often can not recognize what is the case. Gates and fences that close these minor roads may indicate the entrance or exit of a private property but are primarily set up to keep animals either in and out. Keep all gates exactly as you found them, either close them again or keep them open. As long as you walk these roads and you do not enter with a vehicle settlers may ask you but rarely complain.  Some of these minor roads became neglected and are not maintained anymore unmaintained and are now impassable for vehicles. But hikers can still use such deteriorated roads if they don't mind to climb over fallen trees and seek their way through washed out parts.   Many hiking trails in Europe would fall in this rather wide category of minor roads since a good part of the hiking trails in Europe are occasionally used by forestry and agricultural vehicles. The two-letter-code for '''M'''inor '''R'''oads is: '''MR'''

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