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ENG:Glaciar del Morado

41 bytes eliminados, 18:02 7 oct 2016
Route Description
Having parked the car, abandon the main route to take a car path in [[road condition|bad condition]], that will become progressively in [[road condition|very bad condition]]. On the first two kilometers, the path will go by the back of the valley on the west side of the river, where it will slowly gain altitude. At 2.805 AMSL you will pass next to a flag.
 LuegoAfterwards, el sendero se comienza a alejarse del río principal del vallethe path will begin to distance itself from the main river of the valley, cada vez más arriba en la ladera de las montañaseach time higher on the mountain hillside. Junto con ello, la pendiente se torna considerablemente mayor que en la primera etapa del The slope becomes considerably steeper than on the first stretch of the trek. Continuamente, se tendrá que atravesar pequeños esteros que cruzan el sendero You will have to continuously cross small creeks on the path. La ruta es siempre The route is always visible, pues la mayor parte discurre por el antiguo camino vehicularsince most of it takes place on the old car path.
Luego habrá que cruzar un estero (3.039 msnm) que viene del noroeste, y comenzar a remontarlo por su flanco este (flanco derecho, según el sentido de marcha). Es el tramo más empinado

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