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ENG:Gran Salto del Río Olivares

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|Primer Autor=Marcos Allende
|Imágen Principal=Salto olivares.jpg
|ComentariosImagen=Gran salto del río Olivaresriver. Diciembre de December 2005.
[[Imagen:Mapa rio olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Map of the trail. Image:[http://www.bienes.gob.cl/rutas/nuevas_rutas/download.asp?file=docs/04.pdf Rutas Patrimoniales, Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales] ]]
[[Imagen:Valle olivares.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Río Olivares Valley just befores Casa de Piedra. looking north, december December 2005]][[Imagen:Perfil rio olivares.png|thumb|200px|right|Profile of the trek Río Olivares. (It lacks the last 1910 meteres meters to the lookout, at 2872 masl, but the global altitude database(SRTM) does not cover the area]]
Degree of Difficulty: Slightly difficult-difficult. Half mountain excursion requiring speed skills. Precaution in certain sectors where the track disappears as a result of the stone deflation. Possible dehidratation in slope sectors. Type of Land: Valley background and unstable steep hillsides with presence of outfall fans and main rocky terrace with no marked track. Poor sparse shrub-like vegetation. Description of the Segment: From SNUPIE Nº 19 continue the
tour immediately downstream taking y course to 45º to a gorge through stony roads without track, crossing it and rack, taking as reference Tronco hill. You nce must be precautious since from autious SNUPIE Nº 19 there is no well-marked track.. After moving forward 715 meters, you enter a plain land sector without track, composed by erosion materials partially obstructing the run, especially when riding. You reach to the SNUPIE N° 20, which is located at about 10 meters from the Olivares River river- bed. it is a location where you can see geological formations, and in particular, the contrast between West and East hillsides of the main valley, basically referred to tectonic composition and deformation of hillsides, observing stratum dipping over 65º in the West sector. The road continue going round the edge of Olivares River for 350 meters until reaching to the beginning of the second slope, leaving aside Olivares River. The track is weak, reason why it is necessary to follow the visible dry-stone walls leading to SNUPIE Nº 21. This SNUIPIE is an appropriate place for camping or to take a break. The access to water is at approximately 100 meters. The location is slightly exposed to South winds. This is the last site where you can have access to water, except for spring seasons where you could access to a stream without name at 3.3 kilometers from the SNUPIE N° 21. It is not advisable to consume water from Olivares River due to its high turbidness. The tour continues through a small climb with course to 0º until arriving to SNUPIE Nº 22. In this location you could appreciate a wide panoramic view of the Olivares River valley until "Vega Honda" plain sector by the South and a small 240 meter segment of Blanca gorge with crossing of 50 meters of snow land patch for the beginning of the season (November- January). Surpassing said gorge, you continue climbing without track, being extremely careful of not surpassing course 350º due to the presence of cliffs of more than 100 meters high, reason why it is recommended to take course to the West going round the edge of said cliff at a prudent distance, especially in low visibility conditions. After moving forward 350 meters
climbing is finished and an abrupt
downward slope of 200 meters begins through marked track of loosen soil with slopes ranging between 40º and 45 º. It is a contact zone between cliffs and colluvial material of West hillsides. It is required to be extremely precautious due to the high exposure to fall of rocks in the downward slope which come from the hillside, reason why it is not

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