→Traditional Food
'''Chivo or Cordero al Palo''': Puesteros occasinally butcher a male goat or sheep when they meet with other herdsmen or when they receive a visit to share an abounded and delicious meat feast. Female animals are normally preserved to maintain the flock (an rare example of male discrimination). The skinned and cleaned annimal is cut into pieces and stack on a wooden pole or ("palo" in Spanish). The pole is then placed next to the fire and regularly turned until the meat is ready to eat. It's cruical that the meat is well cooked to kill all potential parasites. You need to be lucky to arrive just in time for such a feast. Alternatively you may ask the puestors along the route if they have some meet left or if they are willing to sell one annimal and butcher and prepare it with you. The smallest quantity for sale is typically half an annimal ("medio canal"). Once the meet is well cooked over the fire you can carry the left overs and consume it during the next two or three days.