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Greater Patagonian Trail

1 byte eliminado, 14:44 3 ago 2014
Creation of the Greater Patagonian Trail
The Greater Patagonian Trail was first hiked from November 12, 2013 to February 23, 2014 by Meylin Ubilla and Jan Dudeck. Thanks to the detailed planning only few minor trail route seek detours were required when first hiking this trail. The now verified trail can hiked by any an experienced hiker with sufficent endurance.
This trail is not finished yet. There is plenty of terrain left till this trail finally reaches the southern tip of Patagonia and ends either on the shores of the Magellan street or even on Tierra del Fuego. Also a few smaller sections need to verified and recorded and additional alternatives may be aggregated. See Read the chapter [[#Trail Verifications, Additional Options and Extensions|Trail Verifications, Additional Options and Extensions]] to read see how you can contribute to perfect and extent the Greater Patagonian Trail.

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