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Greater Patagonian Trail

75 bytes añadidos, 07:57 2 ago 2014
Entrance Permits and Challenges
'''Section 2-3'''
'''Fundo Las Truchas''': The fundo Las Truchas is owned by a regional big farmer. When he purchased this ranch he first kept it open for public access to the attractive Laguna Las Truchas. Unfortunately some locals don’t treat their environment with respect and litter or fish without limits. The owner got annoyed and now denies public access in particular to local citizen. When entering the fundo Las Truchas northbound you may be send back by the guard, who lives 2 km south of the Laguna Las Truchas from late spring to autumn. If entering southbound you may be asked to leave the property in the direction you are hiking anyway.
'''Section 3 "Bad Weather Option"'''

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