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Greater Patagonian Trail

396 bytes añadidos, 23:30 1 ago 2014
Entrance Permits and Fees
'''Section 1'''
'''Hydropower Station Cipreses''': The Hydropower Station Cipreses is owned by Endesa and controls the valley between the Route 115 and the Laguna de La Invernada. A permanently Permanently manned gate controls gates control the northbound access from the Route 115 but there are no similar controls barriers when entering the property southbound from the volcano Descabezado. An access permit can be requested in advance and is normally granted.
'''Section 2-3'''
'''Fundo Las Truchas''': The fundo Las Truchas is owned by a regional big farmer. When he purchased this ranch he first kept it open for public access to the attractive Laguna Las Truchas. Unfortunately some locals don’t treat their environment without with respect and litter or fish without limits. The owner got annoyed and now denies public access in particular to local citizen. When entering the fundo Las Truchas northbound you may be send back by the guard. If entering southbound you may be asked to leave the property in the direction you are hiking anyway.
'''Section 3 Bad Weather Option'''
'''Hydropower Station El Toro''': The Hydropower Station El Toro is owned by Endesa and controls the valley Rio Polcura upstream of Abanico. A permanently manned gate controls the northbound access from the Abanico. There are no similar controls when entering the property southbound from the the Laguna de Las Lajas. An access permit may be requested in advance.
'''Section 12'''
'''Parque Huilo Huilo''': During the later days of the Pinochet Regime large parts of the state owned forest around the Lago Pirihueico were sold under obscure circumstances to the German immigrant Victor Petermann. He later converted the forest into a “private for profit natural reserve”. The emphasis seems to be on profit. Permanently manned gates now limit access to guest guests of the luxury resorts. Wood logging continues in more hidden parts of the “profit reserve”. When attempting we attempted to take the former public road from Puerto Fuy to Pirihueico we were turned back on several of the gates. For this reason we took the ferry over the lago Piriheuco and took walked the same road but from the other side where we did not encounter any manned gates.
'''Fundo Chihuio:''' : The fundo Chihuio is situated north of the Termas de Chihuio and owned by rich businessman. The guard lives at the southern entrance to the Fundo. He is instructed to deny access to the former public road to towards Puerto Fuy and Pirihueico. When hiking southbound you will leave the property at the entrance where the guard lives.
'''Section 13'''
'''Fundo Carrán''': The Fundo Carrán is located south of the Lago Maihue. We crossed the Lago Maihue southbound and entered the fundo Carrán unknowingly from the shore of the Lago Maihue. We than walked about 5 km until we reached a locked gate just before a public road. We could easily climb over the locked gate to continue on the public road.
'''Access to Cordon Caulle": A very fiendly and helpful older couple lives at the northern access to the Cordon Caulle. They own the forest with the road that provides access to the Cordon Caulle and the volcano Puyehue. They charge 6000 CLP entrance fee.
==Logistical Considerations==

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