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Greater Patagonian Trail

21 bytes añadidos, 21:53 30 jul 2014
As a non-Chilean tourist with a regular tourist visa you can stay up to 90 days in Chile. With an estimated  The easiest way to renew your visa is travelling to Argentina before you complete your 90 days and return a few days later to Chile. On re-entry you will normally be granted another 90 days.
Such a visa trip can be combined with a resupply stop in a nearby town. Recommendable visa trips are:
If you insist in not taking any bus or motorized vehicle during the entire trek you have three options:
* You hurry up to reach the finish of the Greater Patagonian Trail in Argentina within 90 days counted from the your arrival in Chile.
* You can walk on food from Icalma in Chile to Villa Pehuenia and back (Section 8, 16 km one way).
* You request an turist visa extension in Chile.

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