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GPT11 (Cerro Dedos)

116 bytes eliminados, Ayer a las 10:05
Season 2024/25
Day 3
Continued the ascent. It got pretty steep but the ways were good. The CC part uphill is also easy to walk. The views on the pass are beautiful - you can see both Sierra Velluda (right next to Antuco at the start of GPT09) and Sollipulli (GPT14) at the same timebreathtaking. Took a long food and coffee break there.
As expected after doing my research here and in the manual, I found the first couple of hundred meters of the CC descent after the pass quite challenging. It was still safe to slide down the snow field for the first hundred meters or so, but doing it this time of the year or later, choose your route and your exit point wisely. I took a snow bridge I could see from atop and hints for possible other snow bridges (water entering the snow field from the side) into consideration and only slid down the first hundred meters or so. From there on downwards, the gorge was full of snow which was unsafe to walk or slide, so I had to walk on the steep scree around it. This is the kind of terrain where you’ll want to check your hiking poles and shoelaces before. It’s still safe to walk down, but only if you choose your route carefully and walk with full focus. As soon as the snow was gone I continued my descent in the gorge right next to the river, which was easy. Then a long way clambering around the river and crossing it countless times. Again very exhausting and partly dangerous.

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