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GPT06 (Descabezado)

7 bytes añadidos, 13 febrero
Season 2024/25
I arrived on sunday morning but the park was closed with wildfire red alert. I waited there the opening on next morning.
Walking at the park entrance, I was lucky and met Sebastian, Anete y Tono which was started the Condor Circuit. A week ago, they contacted Don Victor daughter, Tamara, which gave a permit to cross the property. Rangers verified carefuly the permit to let them go. I take my chance then and contact Tamara to ask the same permit.
>> There is usefull information to planify GPT6 with serenity :
- From this year, Don Victor's family exiges a permit to enter the property in order to limit the area crowd and waste associated
- Permits are given by Tamara Galdames, Don Victor daughter : +56987397559
- She asks for passport picture and a bank transfer of 25,000 per persona to make the permit
- She told me that she only give permit to 3 people or more
- CONAF rangers (at least at Vilches) verify very carefully the Tamarla autorization
- Don Victor checks also every hiker/horse rider he can see at this period (at least between laguna Caracole and Refugio Blanquillo)

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