→Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
*'''2024-01-31 to 2024-02-03 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Chris & Julia'''
Beautiful araucarias (and yummi piñones), pretty easy trail, Laguna El Barco less romantic and more overcrowded than expected but nice food! No snow, no fords worth mentioning. Also possible in less time.
Day 1: started after resupplying in Trapa Trapa (only cookies) in the afternoon. Camped at [S 37° 45' 18.08" W 071° 17' 01.75"] ~6km (first possible camping spot with water and flat ground). A lot of arieros passing.
Day 2: A lot of puestos. Last water at 14.5km. Trail to the pass is very beautiful, stunning araucarias. We also harvested some low hanging piñones. We reached two by hand (twisting, not pulling, worked for us). For another we used a rope stretched between two long branches. A bit tricky, but it worked. They are not ripe yet, but they taste good raw and even better roasted. We camped at Camp {10-d} [0.1/1658] to avoid walking 19km without water. The Laguna there is really just a dirty pond, we spend hours (!) filtering water for two people with our befree, would not recommend sleeping there.
Day 3: Nice and easy trail. We followed a wrong trail at [S 37° 56' 01.04" W 071° 18' 15.57"] for ~2.5 km. At Laguna El Barco we had to pay 8000 CPL per person for camping (has bathrooms + showers). It was pretty crowded (guess because of weekend?). But there were 3 small stands with nice food (Tortillas, Sopaipillas, Completos, some meet stuff,
Softdrinks, & Mote con huesillo -> you should try, super nice chilean summerdrink).
Day 4: Following the trail there is a nice Camp at the Laguna after the official campsite if you prefere a more private spot (we would have camped there if we had known). Met Tobi + Mara from Germany (Viele Grüße :D!). Hitched directly to Ralco from the road. From Ralco there are buses to Los Angeles (at least every 2hours).
*''' 2024-01-29 to 2024-01-30 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR+OH 10E+RR / Dorota Szparaga '''