→Season 2024/25
Then not hard to skip 18. Took me about half a day taking multiple buses (puerto fuy - panguipulli - los lagos - paillaco - futrono - llifen), maybe a bit longer on WE with less buses.
* <span style="background-color:aqua;">'''2024-12-28 to 2024-12-29 / 1.5days / Packrafting/ SOBO/ RP (new option from Liquiñe) / Natalie & Tomáš'''</span>.
The last hitch to Puerto Fuy was easy and short and we had dinner at the only restaurant open, the main restaurant "Puerto Fuy". The salmon and salsa appetizer was very good, but a bit pricey. If you can order just a jar of the salsa I would try for that! Then we walked a bit to find a camp spot (Water {17H} [34.0/646], -39.87034, -71.87386; that is 50 metres after the well built MR ends, from there on, the trail is a trail that used to be an NR but is not passsable for cars at all) to start the paddle of Lago Pirihueico (GPT18) the next day and say hi to Clara (whom we missed in Pucón), hi Clara!
* '''24-12-26- 24-12-27/ 1,5 days / SOBO / RR/ Volker'''
The forest section - beautiful, short and smooth