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GPT06 (Descabezado)

2083 bytes añadidos, 5 enero
Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
'''2024-Dec-30 to 2024-Jan-5 / 6.5 days / Hiking / NOBO / RR + option 6 + option 3 (Descabezado) / Sean & Neele'''
Tldr: beautiful section! No problems with snow. Didn't meet Don Victor. Water at all waypoints plus more due to snow.
Emailed Natali (natali.veloso@enel.com) to get authorisation to enter NOBO, theres a simple form to complete and return. took the bus from Talca to El Colorado to visit the cabinieros they signed and stamped the completed form Natali sent us. Hitched to Central Cipreces, wasn't too difficult, a worker dropped us off right at gate 78.9km. Security guard was very friendly and helpful he was happy with our authorisation and after filling in another form we were on our way.
Went up to Volcan Los Hornitos took only 10 minutes to get to the crater rim from the pass. Well worth it.
Camped near camp 62.2km
Pass 59.3 a patch of snow on the south side but easy to walk around it to the east.
We decided to do the option 6 loop to see laguna la turbia. Nice enough and easy, western side of the pass is pretty steep.
Camped at 56.3km - lots of really nice camping around here we couldn't walk past it.
At water camp 48.1km we went CC straight to camp without water 5.9km to avoid any right of way disputes and to climb dezcabezado grande in the morning. It worked, not sure if I'd recommend it.
Plenty of snow for water at camp 5.9km we didn't even need to melt it, it was flowing.
Descabezado (03) 9.4km was surprisingly simple. 4 hours to the crater rim from camp 5.9km, Another 30 minutes to go to the summit and back, hour and a half down. From around 3,700m to the crater rim routes 03 and 03A separate. We took 03A up and 03 down, 03 is much better I'd recommend it.
Took option 3 to refuge 45.5km all good.
Pass 33.8km snow mostly avoidable now. We camped up there snow for water.
Pass 19.4km - small patch of snow easy to avoid
Pass 15.4km - small patch of unavoidable snow but easy to cross.
Camped at El Bolson - pretty busy on a Saturday.
Short walk out to catch the bus to molina at 11
No entel signal in parque ingles
* ''' 2024-DEC-15 to 2024-DEC-21 / 7 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR, OH option 3, CC not on trail from [5.9/2542] to camp [48.1/1837] / Tamar & Nimrod'''

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