→Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
12-12-24 - 17-12-24 - 4.5 days, NOBO / O+W trek / RR + option 3 / Robin & Manon
Coming from Rio Serrano, we hiked the O+W trek. We took 3+ days entrance for 45kCLP that never got checked. We arrived without reservation at Paine Grande without any problem, don't bother the reservation. We walked to Mirador Británico ar 6am and were almost alone. Incredibly scenic valley. Then we walked to Chileno camping without reservation (38km long day). We got refused at Chileno, but if you negotiate with the guy, there is a very small spot at the end of the camping above the luxury tents for guests. They're not supposed to let you in but they did for 2 tents before us and we did not ask and just joined. Better to avoid this shitty crowded place and stay at central if you really want to go the the Torres base.
We hiked to the Mirador at 5:30 and met a reasonable amount of people. Get in between the sunrise persons and the tourist wave later in the morning. Impressive view, but is it worth the crowd struggle ? Not sure. From a GPT perspective you might be disappointed.
We walked down, got an expensive sandwich at the welcome centre and walked directly to Dickson on an easy track (31km from the welcome centre, 48 in total since Chileno). Dickson is superbe and welcoming. We weren't checked for reservation.
We talked with the conaf to skip Los Perros (closure time theoretically at 7pm.) They were completely chill about that once they understood we were experienced and equipped. Some rules are meant for non-hikers tourists and you can consider not following them.
5 hours walk from Dickson to John Garner pass, absolutely incredible views on the campp de hielo. Coming from the south it's the first time and it's great. We climbed to a shoulder on the ridge of Cerro condor north of the pass, great views.
Grey camping is enormous and you will likely find a spot without reservation. Good resupply there.
The O trek option 3 is incredibly scenic and closer to the long distance hiking spirit. Maybe it should be considered marking it RR instead of the W and it's crowds ?
==Season 2023/24==