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GPT45 (Torres Del Paine)

682 bytes añadidos, 23:54 19 dic 2024
Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
Robin 12/24 - we bought directly tickets from the Rio serrano entrance and never got checked. 45 kCLP for more than 3 days. Trail closure times are indicative. When it's checked, a small discussion with guardaparques can solve the problem. You will probably always find a spot at Paine Grande, Central, Seron, Dickson, Los Perros and Grey campsites without reservation. The other ones (Frances, Cuernos, chileno) are mostly luxury tents, and they will refuse that you pitch your tent. Overall, prefer the camping ran by Vertice company (Paine Grande, Dickson, Los Perros, Grey) (9kCLP/p/d). Avoid the Las Torres campings (Francés, Cuernos, Chileno, Central, Seron) (45kCLP/p/d).
You can no longer buy tickets at the park entrances & should get them online instead. There is no wifi or phone signal at the Laguna Amarga entrance.
Park entry is currently $35 US for up to 3 days or $49 for more than 3 days (January 2024 prices) for foreigners. Chileans pay 8000 pesos for up to 3 days & 11,500 for more than 3 days.

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