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GPT13 (Laguna Icalma)

827 bytes añadidos, El viernes a las 14:42
Season 2024/25: Añadí contenido
==Season 2024/25==
2024-Dec-03 to 2024-Dec-04 / 2 Days / Hiking / SOBO / RR, D / Karin
I arrived on the 02 Dec at 4pm in Liucura, so I went to the second bridge (km2). Downstream is a nice place to camp. The night was freezing cold.
The ford (km16.6) was not passable for me (170cm). The water was too high (above hips) and the current was too strong. So I took variante D. After having walked var. D, I camp at the ford. Very nice place.
The road is easy to follow, not too many traffic. But definitly not the most attractiv.
I camped at campamento (km35.2). The camping is not yet open, but the owner lives in the house on the other side of the road. He charged me 10000 pesos for one night. There are sanitary installations.
As I did GPT 13 and 14 in one, I did not go in to Icalma, therefore I don't if there are shops for resupply.
==Season 2023/24==

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