→Resupply and Accommodation in nearby Towns
*There are at least 3 places to stay in Villa Amengual which is on the Carretera Austral 2KM off route, north of the junction with the X25 gravel road which runs 52KM to La Tapera. They should all have options for meals also. El Encuentro in Villa Amengual has a shop & accomodation, 15,000 pesos single & 20,000 double. Meals are 6000 pesos, breakfast is 4000.
*2024: Tapera has at least 6 small shops. The one they refer to as the Super had the biggest selection. Shops in town are open sporadically, but all close between 13:00 and 17:00 for lunch, and are closed for the night around 20:00. At least 3 places had camping gas (the Super, the panadero next door, and the blue mini market a block from there), but only the tall refill canisters, not the threaded cans for backpacking stoves. The guy at the Super, which is also the hardware store, said he sometimes had the threaded type but didn't have them when we passed through.
La Tapera has two small shops & at least one hospedaje, all on or near the plaza.