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GPT26 (Carrenleufu)

1356 bytes añadidos, 22:07 2 dic 2024
Season 2019/20
Convenient hospedaje in Carrenleufú in the center = Argenchile. Ask and you will find it. There is a shop also. I paid 15000 CLP (they accepted CLP!) for the dinner, the night, the breakfast... and 2 beers and one icecream that I took directly from the shop!
Border crossing on the other side was also easy. Ending on the main road, with very few cars. I found it very nice to get back slowly i' the middle of the high mountains in Palena.
*'''20 to 24 January 2020 / Linda'''
Regular Hiking Route Southbound 4,5 days from Futaleufú to Palena
Very easy section. The only thing is that you have to cross many fences, some of them were cadenassed, which means that most of these lands should be private. I saw nobody so, I didn't have any problems.
I started from Futaleufu cause I was coming directly from GPT71. So, I started on the main road. Few cars. Easy border crossing.
The main part of the trail is made of minor roads in the middle of a forest, which appeared to be "open sky" compared to the Valdivian one!
Nice section even if not as scenic as the previous ones. I guess this is the "minor road effect"! The last day, before arriving in Carrenleufú, was better. Very nice view of the mountains and on the valley. And I loved the last forest, which I guess was a lenga forest. These trees are beautiful, and waving with the strong wind!
Convenient hospedaje in Carrenleufú in the center = Argenchile. Ask and you will find it. There is a shop also. I paid 15000 CLP (they accepted CLP!) for the dinner, the night, the breakfast... and 2 beers and one icecream that I took directly from the shop!
Border crossing on the other side was also easy. Ending on the main road, with very few cars. I found it very nice to get back slowly i' the middle of the high mountains in Palena.

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