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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

2288 bytes añadidos, 02:16 29 nov 2024
Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
* '''2024-NOV-21 to 2024-NOV-25 / 4 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + OH (var. D, H, K) / Ivan, Jakub, Daniel'''
We set off from El Melocotón in the evening with headlamps along the road. The first gate [3.3/1049] was open, but after a while, a man in a car stopped us. He asked if we had registration. We did not, so he noted down our IDs and took a phone contact. The bridge [3.7/1045] no longer exists, so we had to ford the river. A good camping spot is just past the ford here [-33.68791, -70.34507]. We ascended gradually through the Estero Coyanco valley, following the RR. All the water sources in the map files indeed had water, except for one [8.7/1298], where the water was down about 50 meters and very hard to access. We took the bush bashing [16.0+0.8] more like a CC, going straight uphill. After traversing back to the Estero Coyanco river, we went upstream and forded the river a total of 6 times. The last ford [around 27.4/2200], branching into a side valley [27.5/2209], we crossed at night with headlamps. The water was above our knees; I am 178 cm tall. The entire subsequent ridge walk, which goes up to 3200 m, was a great experience. There was plenty of snow, and we really appreciated our spikes on two very steep sections. There was an abundance of water everywhere. We turned towards the pass [42.1/3256] earlier via var. D. The gravel road leading around the transmitter was completely covered with snow in several places. A good bivouac spot is at -33.9620215, -70.4274260. We descended to the concrete bridge [64.3/1733] via switchbacks following var. H. From the bridge, we walked along a gravel road down to the Barahona reservoirs, utilizing var. K. Just before the reservoirs [78.2/1736], we collected our last water for the end of the stage (about 4.6 liters each). We then proceeded CC towards the ridge with the summit of Alto los Lunes (2049 m above sea level). The entire ridge walk had no water, but there are comfortable bivouac spots in the passes between the peaks with views of the surroundings. For the final part of the stage from the connection to Carretera del Cibre, we walked at a good pace. We arrived in the town of Coya after 4 days with a small amount of water left and entered the Catalan bar, enjoying good food and a friendly owner.
* '''24-11-20 - 24-11-24/ 4,5,days / RR and variants/ Volker'''

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