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Summary with remarks to route that are considered useful for other hikers and packrafters. Include alerts, suggestions and personal perception of attractiveness and difficulties. Try to be specific. Do not be shy to fix obvious mistakes.
=Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=
I saw a snake on the trail and met a puma, hiding in a bush 2m left of me, growling angrily. A group of arrierros (only people I met on these 5 days) had already warned me and asked, why I am walking without a dog. I barked loudly, imitating the missing dog, which helped me to keep cool; also helpful that I knew, humans are not their prey, it‘s cattle and so they are close to puestos.
* '''2024-Nov-11-15 / Lukas-Tabea-Basil'''
Because of the extratime needed we ran out of food and took the emergency exit which worked just finde (described in the manual).
In Coya we recommend to stay in the red painted hostel in the main street.
* '''2024 Nov 3 - Nov 7 / 4 days / hiking / SOBO / RR - A / Karin'''
The ascent is still worth and nice until the snow.
* '''2024-Nov-03 to 2024-Nov-06 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO /Variant A - RR / Lukas & Sarah'''
Hiked back out on RR river crossings were again high after 4pm. Camped at -33.82688, -70.39684
Took variation A on the way out. Gate at 3.3km was open. Small Shop at el Melocoton.
* '''2024-Nov-02 to 2024-Nov-06 / 4.5 days / Hiking / RR (turned around at 35.6km) / Sean & Neele'''
* '''2023-Dec-28 to 2024-Jan-01 / 4,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR and variants A D F J / Matthieu'''
Really nice hike, from river to high mountain to the long ridge. No big problems with river crossings, snow or slopes (see below). Lack of water will surely be the main issue in the next months.
Some annoying but short cross country/bush bashing part in the spiky herbs after km 15.6, but good visibility.
- 67, where lilian found the good spot. Actually you have to get all the rocks and cow shit away, and there are a lot of spiky herbs. I found only one good place for a tent after exploring a bit but it was perfect and well protected. Another spot is 1.5km after, plenty of space but less trees for protection ! ;
- 90.4 on variant J on the ridge just below the summit. Nice but unprotected ! You have some more places around the cerro los canelos (with the antenn).
Water : all the markers were still flowing. Bring filter with you as there are cows everywhere in the mountain
-78.8 : Important water spot as Lilian said, last until the road on all the ridge. This is NOT a big stream now, I don't know if it will still flow in a month. Note that there is an emergency exit at this moment if you have water problems. Some workers were here, working in fields.
-Sunny and hot conditions on the ridge. I took 5.2 L (I cooked with a few while camping) and got 200 mL at the end.
Snow patches : now only on east and south exposed slopes. No problems with snow at this moment, i didnt have to cross any :
- No patches blocking the RR after variant D end
River Crossings :
Other: I saw one snake (the second, another one on GPT01) in the middle of the trail, taking the sun, he moved slowly but I had to make noise for it. Be careful at any time not to walk on it. I think it was a chilean long tailed snake, venom painful but not deadly as wikipedia says. Internet says that it's rarely seen... but seems not on the crazy GPT !
* '''2023-Dec-6 to 2023-Dec-11/ 5 days / SOBO / RR, variants A+D+E+G+J+M / Matthias'''
- 1.5km after bridge at km 64.3 besides the path (no great spot)
- on the ridge south of Cerro Alto El Paico (km 90.4) - no water
* '''2023-Dec-07 to 2023-Dec-10 / 4 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Lilian'''
Ford,camp?{27.5/2209} : look like no camping spot here?
Climb up steep but easy to follow.
Still lot of snow after the pass. The last snow slope you need to cross is at km54.1
Camp{57.0+0.3/2286} : when you first see the meadows from high, keep walking a little and look at the mountain side, a stream with a red and white pipe is there, flowing with crystal clear and cold water.
Km67 : camping spot on valley side, some tree covers and great view, some side trail leads you to there.
Km68.6 : camping spot beside the road.
Bridge, water?camp?{78.2/1736} : flowing good with clear and cool water. Can fit some tents at road shoulder. It is the LAST WATER before the ridge.
Lastly, i took 4.5L water go over the ridge, and water all gone, better bring more in January and February.
Coya have a small shop for resupply, not the best but enough, also friendly!
Beside the store is Bar Catalán Coya, they make nice sandwiches!
* '''2023-Dec-04 to 2023-Dec-08 / 4.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Stiina & Kris'''
Very hot below 2000m. For river crossing not even wet feet. Passed a kind of informal puesto little below junction to Clarillo, nobody there, just a crazy dog. No territorial cows/bulls around as stated somewhere else. Just give them time they need to check the situation and they will trot away...We where lucky to have met very nice people in the puesto before the mine. Got off at emergency1...took us ttl 6 days for this trip with one day almost off...
*2023-Jan-05 4 days RR SOBO Frank
Once over the pass the landscape changes & it's semi desert with a long way between water sources. As you approach a green hut there is a spring coming from the rock by the road. Go into the puesto, if there is no one there you can get water from a spring at the back. The puesto owners are friendly & will have no problem giving you water if they are there. Best to camp at or near the puesto, fill up & start very early next day. Walk the first few KM on the road before dawn if you can. Last water 25KM? was as dry as dirt in January. When you get to the mine stay outside it, go to the right of the boundary fence & handrail it, then you will have no problems. Midsummer i.e. January is not the best time to do the last section, there is hardly any shade & it becomes a desert survival test. The water I had in my pack side pocket was hot enough to make tea. Got to the road OK but felt a bit faint. Heat exhaustion is a real possibility on the last section, go earlier in the season if you can. November once the snow has cleared is ideal.
* '''2022-Dec-06 to 2022–Dec-08 / Hiking / SOBO / Tomáš'''
The part on the ridge is quite beautiful, I would recommend not taking the emergency exits if you can (I also walked it between 4 PM and 9 PM, so it was not hot,but a very nice sunset). Very clear path pretty much everywhere. But it is far, took me five hours of fast walking to get to the road to Coya from mine. Once I got to the PR, I immediately hitched a car to Coya and stayed at a hostel for 15000 at 34.2057545S, 70.5306223W. Now I will try to get some food.
* '''2022-Nov-26 to 2022-Dec-01 / 5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Martin & Helena'''
Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka
* '''2022-Nov-28 / Hiking / SOBO/ RR / tom&miky '''
The sobo last water was brown, we find clear water few km away maybe due to snow melt?
We also found water at Sobo 25 km to finish this section.
* '''2022-Nov-10 / Hiking / SOBO / Adrien Kunzli '''
For more stories of the trail, pictures, videos and in case you want to ask us anything you can find us on Instagram: @smallfootprint_bigadventures
* '''2021-Nov-12 to 2021-Nov-15 / 4 days / Hiking / Marc Anthony '''
Ended up in a place called Hostel Vista al Cerro in Coya.
* '''2021-Nov-02 / Hiking / SOBO / Yannic & Mirjam'''
There was a dead goat further up in the water.
* '''2019-Nov-24 / Matus & Anna'''
In Coya we are staying in Tu Casita for 20k including dinner. So far it's nice. Ressuplying is good here, we found everything that we needed.
* '''2019-Nov-16 / Hiking / SOBO / RR Martina & Ivo'''
It took us 4 days to walk this section. Trails are in good condition. There is practically no snow left and water levels are low. We took the third Emergency Exit in the mine, so we don't know about the last 10 km. The mine's Security Officer wasn't very pleased to drive us out of the mine. In Coya we found accommodation and resupply tiendas. You can also take the bus to Rancagua which runs every full hour.
* '''2019-Nov-14 / Hiking / Ty & America / SOBO'''
=Permits, Entry Fees and Right-of-Way Issues=
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