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GPT01 (Cerro Purgatorio)

140 bytes añadidos, 28 noviembre
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*<nowiki>* '''</nowiki>'''Start Date to Finish Date (use Format YYYY-MMM-DD) / Duration in Days / Hiking or Packrafting / Travel Direction (SOBO for Southbound or NOBO Northbound) / Chosen Route and/or Option Name (RR for Regular Route) / Names or Alias'''<nowiki>'''</nowiki>
Summary with remarks to route that are considered useful for other hikers and packrafters. Include alerts, suggestions and personal perception of attractiveness and difficulties. Try to be specific. Do not be shy to fix obvious mistakes.
=Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=
We started our hike in the afternoon from the final metro station at Puente Alto. At the high gate with cameras at the beginning of Variant A, there was a car. After waiting a few minutes, the car drove through, and a kind man allowed us to pass as well. We spent the first night at the camp at km 16.2 . On the second day, it was very hot, which we especially felt during the climb to the pass [24.7 km]. The water marked in the files was indeed available there. In the evening, we reached El Melocotón. The store was officially open until 8:00 PM, but the owner was kind enough to keep it open longer for the people arriving late.
* '''2024-11-17 to 2024-11-19, 2,5 days, SOBO, gpt00?/01opt5? - Volker'''
If you start late 2 p.m,) as I did, either camp at the waterfall or make sure to take enough water to camp 15min before you reach the 2nd river. The way down is steep and slippery. If you start early you will reach water at 2200 m and camp sites before or at the pass.
Up there very windy, but not too cold, protected camp site 10 min after you reach the pass. Part of the path covered by snow, you can bypass it on the eastern side. Ridge to Cerro San Ramon under snow, probably not to difficult (if you have crampons). 1 steep snowfield on the way down (I used it to try my mini spikes, which was not necessary in the early afternoon, but in the morning you will be very glad to have them). Camped not far from the puesto, didn‘t see anyone, just horses and barking dogs. The path to Rio Maipo valley crosses the river 8 times, fords mostly easy (though 2 far over my knees (1,97m), but one quite hard (I did. 15 min of CC and BB to find a place upwards)). Last 30 min MR. The road ends at a high gate (3m), no way around, the man in the container told me to take another way. I asked a local not far from there, he promised to help, told me to wait at the gate, in 3 min he arrived with his car and drove me down to El Manzano. I just got out of the car, when on the other side of the road a bus driving EABO stopped, I jumped in and got out at El Melocoton to continue with gpt 02 .
* '''2024-Nov-10/Lukas & Tabea & Basil'''
In the corner at -33.68293, -70.34715, turn on the horsepath. We therefore skipped Gate at 02 and walked out at -33.69654, -70.35062 and walked directly to the river crossing of Variant A.
The horsepath around the hill is in good condition but difficult to find.
* '''2024-Nov-01 to 2024-Nov-02 / 2 days / Hiking / RR / Sean & Neele'''
Combined sections 1 and 2 so can't comment resupply options
* '''2024-10-30 to 2024-11-01 / 2.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR -a- RR / Karin'''
Took same route as Matthias (Filo Purgatorio via the ridge). Not much to add apart from: it’s very hot and there’s no water up there anymore. First stream coming down was at 33.67175, 70.39274
* '''2023-Dec-24 to 2023-Dec-25 / 2 days / SOBO / RR and variant E / Matthieu'''
Variant : I followed chileans hikers on variant E to the nothern bank of the river el sauce (sendero estero el sauce on OSM, easily followed with the GPS). Seems funnier than the RR, you cross a nice pool. You have other trails to go down at the river and enjoy on the way.
All water markers are correct. Remember to bring enough water for the pass at water 18,7, it's really hot up there. Water 29,7 very good stream.
The end of the trail after is a big web of trail along the el sauce river, with places to bath and camp. So the water is not rare. Lots of hikers when I was there (25 december).
Camp : at bridge water 18.7.
Seems like lots of nice places after water 29,7 when you explore along the river.
Gate 11,2 : Not possible to go around, electrical and fence. It was opened by a person in a car after 5 minutes waiting. No question about my passage. I then crossed roads with an arriero with horses and another car, on 24th december. Seems like this trail is crowded, so the gate seems not to be a problem with patience.
The other gate is only for cars, way to go around as a hiker.
Other : crossed a snake in the middle of the trail. See my section 2 post for more infos.
No river crossings issues
* '''2023-Dec-5 to 2023-Dec-6/ 2 days / SOBO / OH & RR / Matthias'''
I then crossed the RR and went on option 02, the ridge walk to Cerro Purgatorio. I would say it is SAC 4 (somewhat easier than the ridge), I used hands but it was very easy and not exposed at all. Descent from Cerro Purgatorio was surprisingly beautiful with all the flowers (which were there all over the ridge too). Even going down, from about 1500, the heat was really strong. Would not recommend any of this from early January till end of february given there might be very little water. Perfect for December and earlier. I hope the ridgewalk is added to GPT. Every day, I would be able to get enough cell phone coverage to receive e-mails and chats but not much more.
* '''2023-Dec-06 / 1 day / Hiking / sobo / RR / Lilian'''
Long way going down with rocky dirt road, didn't see any people all the way to the end.
After you join the trail in valley, lot of camping spots you can find.
* '''2023-Nov-17 to 2023-Nov-19 / 1,5 days / Hiking / NOBO / RR & OH / Jens'''
Comment Jan Dudeck: I removed the southern ascent to the summit of Cerro Purgatorio. Now only the the ascent from the west remains in the track files.
* '''2023-Nov-11 to 2023-Nov-12 / 1,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Yannick & Nolwenn '''
Started in Ramon Supercaseaux 8200 directly at the gate. Pretty hot below 2000m, siesta highly recommended. A lot of bees around everywhere except pass-area. No water in the first spot after the pass, you'll find it about 1-2 kms ahead. A local said that water was cut up there. Weekend with many tourists in Estero El Sauce Valley. Good Kiosk at the valley entrance. Took us 2 days.
* '''2022-Dec-04 / Hiking / SOBO / Option 1: Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo / Tomáš'''
The route is quite attractive. Walking in the lower valley in the heat is really sweat inducing. It took me 1,5 days to go up to the border of the reserve, I was weak from not much sleep before and the heat. But also it is quite far and I have not started walking until six or so on the first day as I rested quite a few hours waiting for the heat to pass.
* '''2022-Nov-24 to 2022-Nov-26 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + GPT01-F / Martin & Helena'''
Contact: @martin_hanzelka @helenneka
* '''2022-Nov-09 / Hiking / SOBO / Adrien Kunzli '''
Start at GPT 01-03 by the optional tracks ok. After the school you take the left road and almost immediately you have to pass under a fence on the left with a little hole.
Just after San José de Maipo the RR-MR-V (02) (3,6+0,4) at S33°41.069', W070°20.876' was denied to me by some conductors (private propriety). But te other optional road without passing the bridge works perfectly fine.
* '''2022-Okt-31 / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Yannic & Mirjam'''
For more stories of the trail, pictures, videos and in case you want to ask us anything you can find us on Instagram: @smallfootprint_bigadventures
* '''2021-Nov-09 to 2021-Nov-10 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Marc Anthony '''
It was difficult to access the start. At KM 16.5 on the road, RR-PR-V@01-6.9+4.3 & 700 metres further after the bridge, route sealed by two 15 foot high gates with spikes on top. No one there to ask to open them. Back on RR @ KM13, 2 locked gates. At OH-MR-V@01-A-#002 a resident let me through the locked gate. There is a new fence a little up the road that will probably close off this variant (I got in through a small unfinished section). It is very dry now so RR gates may be closed due to lack of water & fire risk. The only water on RR until 14KM after the pass is on section RR-MR-V@01-16.3+7.8 marked Bridge, Water on GPX, making a camp @ the site 15 mins. walk above (marked Camp No Water) highly advisable. Look for the gas pipeline, route follows it most of the way. Kiosk with drinks & snacks & campsite on the route 3KM before Melocoton are open all week in midsummer, weekends only in low season. No need to go to Melocoton. Get bus to Santiago @ road junction 500 metres down the road after bridge over Rio Maipo
* '''2019-Dec-13 to 2019-Dec-17 / 5 Days / Hiking / SOBO / GPT01 Option 1 and GPT02 / Ian Hikes '''
Highlights: High mountain passes and great open views (especially for sunrise and sunset)
* '''2019-Nov-27 / Hiking / SOBO / Family Size '''
There is plenty of water on the B alternet uphill. Almost at the top it tastes a bit like cow shit after filtering. There is a lot of OK water at the bottom of the downhill and quite a few tourists especially on weekends.
* '''2019-Nov-17 to 2019-Nov-18 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / Matus & Anna'''
We walked GPT01 in 2 days, including one nero day. We used uber to get to the trail, hope your driver won't be stupid enough to take shortcuts through slums :). There is a gate on the beginning of trail, after a "discussion" (we don't speak spanish) they let us go through. Climb was really hot, make sure you take enough water from the last source on the way up. There is water on the other side, but first marked water source didn't look the best. There is a river cutting a trail a bit down from that point. We stayed in a campsite on the begining of next section which was nice. They have really sticky ferral dogs there which we had a real problem to chase to not hike with us.
* '''2019-Nov-11 to 2019-Nov-13 / 3 days / SOBO / RR / Martina & Ivo'''
We went to Puente Alto and then Pirque by Uber. The drivers know where the protests take place and avoid those areas or areas which got recently destroyed.
* '''2019-Oct-27 / Alert / Jan Dudeck'''
Instead of deviating to El Melocotón, you can spend the night in Reserva Coyanco (camping, food, services), from where GPT02 starts. Just turn right at S33° 40.813' W70° 20.812'.
* '''2018-Dec-15 to 1018-Dec-16 / 1.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Austin Davis'''
* '''2017-Jan / Hiking / SOBO / GPT01 Option 1 Rio Clarillo & GPT02 / Gerald Klamer'''

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