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GPT06 (Descabezado)

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 =Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=[[Archivo:GPT 06 options.png|300px|thumb|left|GPT 06 route options]] === Overview ===
Section 6 leads through the spectacular landscape of the Descabezado volcano. There are three main routes: the regular GPT route, from Parque Ingles to La Mina / Los Cipreses (or vice versa), the Condor Circuit from Parque Ingles to Vilches, which is also popular with non-GPT hikers, and the longer, off-the-beaten-path Descabezado Circuit, which begins at Laguna del Maule and ends in La Mina. Optional trips to volcano peaks include Descabezado Grande, Descabezado Chico and Volcán Azul.
Notice that starting from La Mina requires authorization from the hydro company. See the GPT manual on section 6 for details.
=Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions=
[[Archivo:GPT 06 options.png|300px|thumb|left|GPT 06 route options]]
==Season 2025/26==

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