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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

143 bytes añadidos, 00:37 28 nov 2024
Section Log, Alerts and Suggestions
==Season 2024/25==
* '''24-11-20 - 24-11-24/ 4,5,days / RR and variants/ Volker'''
An amazing hike in these spring conditions!
* '''2024 Nov 3 - Nov 7 / 4 days / hiking / SOBO / RR - A / Karin'''
At the entrance of the natural reserve, the guard charged me 6000 pesos for entrance. There were barking but friendly dogs.
* '''2024-Nov-03 to 2024-Nov-06 / 3.5 days / Hiking / SOBO /Variant A - RR / Lukas & Sarah'''
We combined GPT01 & GPT02 with a new route. (written in section alerts GPT01)
* '''2024-Nov-02 to 2024-Nov-06 / 4.5 days / Hiking / RR (turned around at 35.6km) / Sean & Neele'''
Warning: We turned around due to snow. Snow present from 30km onwards at 35.6km we decided it was too much for us.
==Season 2023/24==
*'''2024-Jan-19 to 2024-Jan-24 / 5,5 days / SOBO / RR and variants A D E M N/ Matthias de Austria '''
Gate at 3.3/1049 locked at 8am, only a few barking dogs running towards me, but rather curious, not aggressive. It is relatively easy to climb round the gate directly to the left on the slope via a barbed wire. There's nobody at the reserve and kiosk either, so I save myself the entrance fee.
There is no more accommodation in Coya. A friendly young local helped me, he called numerous numbers and asked people on the street/shops, but there was nothing, everything was closed or takes only larger groups, even the hotel in Termas de Cauquenes was shut down. I then took the bus to Rancagua. Bus stop near the supermarket, towards the bridge. From Monday to Saturday every hour from 7am to 10pm.
* '''2023-Dec-28 to 2024-Jan-01 / 4,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR and variants A D F J / Matthieu'''
* '''2023-Dec-6 to 2023-Dec-11/ 5 days / SOBO / RR, variants A+D+E+G+J+M / Matthias'''
GPT02 was a great hike in these spring conditions.
*'''2023-Dec-07 to 2023-Dec-10 / 4 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Lilian'''
Gate[3.3/1049] : gate is opened, nobody there on 7am.
*'''2023-Dec-04 to 2023-Dec-08 / 4.5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Stiina & Kris'''
Half the bridge gone at the beginning.
You can follow us on Instagram: @smallfootprint_bigadventures
* '''2023-Nov-12 to 2023-Nov-16 / 4,5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR + GPT02 variant A + improvised trail due to a lot of snow between km30 and km52 / Yannick & Nolwenn'''
- Gates :
==Season 2022/23==
* '''2023-Feb-25 / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Luisa & Hannes '''
Very hot below 2000m. For river crossing not even wet feet. Passed a kind of informal puesto little below junction to Clarillo, nobody there, just a crazy dog. No territorial cows/bulls around as stated somewhere else. Just give them time they need to check the situation and they will trot away...We where lucky to have met very nice people in the puesto before the mine. Got off at emergency1...took us ttl 6 days for this trip with one day almost off...
* '''2022-Dec-06 to 2022–Dec-08 / Hiking / SOBO / Tomáš'''
I continued from the Reserva Nacional Rio Clarillo. I went up to Cerro Los Cristales, there was Entel 4G for fifteen minutes on the ridge and then it stopped completely, but I managed to have a audio call over internet. Nice view on lakes from the top but a detour. Have not met anybody all three days it took me to walk this. The cows were all afraid of me (somebody commented they are territorial).
* '''2022-Nov-26 to 2022-Dec-01 / 5 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Martin & Helena'''
After a few hundred meters into the section we reached the entrance to the nature reservation and were asked for 6000$ per person + our ID numbers. We enjoyed some time by the river that is close to the entrance. Good to carry enough water from the beginning of this section. The alternative way / climb from the valley with water 37.2 gets pretty steep. Snowfields after Cerros de Pueco were still there but it wasn’t difficult to find a way below them. We met a few bulls close to the minor road trail that didnt look very friendly, rather turn around and find a different way. We took some alternative and more attractive trails from the long minor road part (GPT02 D+E). Tiny stream of water available at Sobo: Last Water 25km. We met some workers at the mine who were nice and reminded us that its a private property, no other problem. As suggested in one of the previous comments we didnt go over the gate at the mine but followed a path close to the fence that connects to the CC part. The whole ridge walk at the end is really nice. Quite a lot of traffic on the road to Coya. Overall really hot weather that requires enough water to carry, but nice section. We took a bus to Rancagua before 5PM - ask locals about the schedule.
* '''2022-Nov-28 / Hiking / SOBO/ RR / tom&miky '''
We left on the 24 of November north to south, hard sun, no water on the second spot marked (water?) Around +/- 5 km
* '''2022-Nov-10 / Hiking / SOBO / Adrien Kunzli '''
Just after San José de Maipo the RR-MR-V (02) (3,6+0,4) at S33°41.069', W070°20.876' was denied to me by some conductors (private propriety). But the other optional road without passing the bridge works perfectly fine.
==Season 2021/22==
* '''2021 Nov-20 / Hiking / SOBO / RR / Kris&Stiina'''
Locked gate (-33.682407, -70.346283) on the route in the beginning of secotion is for the entrance of Reserva Coyanco. There was a lady that opened the gate and said that one day pass through the reserve costs 5000 pesos, but that we can pay it somewhere later. But as the RR doesn’t continue up the valley but across the bridge and up the ridge from the other side then we didn’t meet anyone who would collect the fees. It could be that it’s a weekend thing as there were quite a few people in the area mostly going to see the Calabozo del Diablo.
* '''2021-Nov-12 to 2021-Nov-15 / 4 days / Hiking / Marc Anthony '''
Big locked gate at -33 40.961’ -070 20.773’ after leaving el melocotón heading south. Didn’t find anyone around to ask, but luckily it can easily be jumped if you walk around on the left side. Carry a lot of water! Quite a few kilometers between the water sources. There is a waypoint in the track files at -33 43.298’ -070 20.705’ that is marked “Water ? 02”, there is no water here! But I found an unmarked water source a few kilometers further at -33 44.474’ -070 21.204’
* '''2021-Nov-02 / Hiking / SOBO / Yannic & Mirjam'''
First gate from El Melocoton was closed, but you can just go around to the left and jump the fence. As mentioned by Anthony, there is no water at the marked water point -33 43.298' -070 20.705', but there is water at -33 44.474' -070 21.204'. Nice camp spot a few 100m ahead [S33.73625 W070.35510]. Sufficient water available up to pass (water from melting snowfields).
==Season 2020/21==
* '''2020-Nov-07 / Hiking / SOBO / Fran & Rodri'''
We walked GPT02 in five days, at first, we wanted to start from Reserva Río Clarillo but it was impossible. The guards of Conaf didn't even try to listen to us, they just said "you can't pass", so we try the alternative across the river and after 5km, they caught us, it's a natural private reserve and closed for public ( more strict than conaf) so they kick us out. Finally we start in the regular route in "El Melocotón".
* '''2019-Nov-16 / Hiking / SOBO / RR Martina & Ivo'''
It took us 4 days to walk this section. Trails are in good condition. There is practically no snow left and water levels are low. We took the third Emergency Exit in the mine, so we don't know about the last 10 km. The mine's Security Officer wasn't very pleased to drive us out of the mine. In Coya we found accommodation and resupply tiendas. You can also take the bus to Rancagua which runs every full hour.
* '''2019-Nov-14 / Hiking / Ty & America / SOBO'''
We camped on Reserva Coyanco for 5000 pesos and sweet spots right next to the river. We took a taxi straight there from the city center of Santiago for 25,000. I just saw on the television that the metro is back up to Puente Alto as well.....so that’s cool.
==Season 2018/19==
* '''2018-Dec-20 / Hiking / Martin Lizondo / Regular Route Southbound'''
A lot of water capacity is required. Last water source at Estero Bodegua (S34° 00.894' W70° 25.507'). Avoid the route near puesto at S34° 04.633' W70° 30.757' because the pass is forbidden. Instead, keep following the track high off trail.

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