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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

1028 bytes añadidos, 17:38 7 nov 2024
Season 2024/25
==Season 2024/25==
2024-Nov-02 to 2024-Nov-06 / 4.5 days / Hiking / RR (turned around at 35.6km) / Sean & Neele
Warning: We turned around due to snow. Snow present from 30km onwards at 35.6km we decided it was too much for us.
Gate at 3.3km was open at around 3pm at no point approached regarding a fee
Crossed the river where the bridge used to be was about knee deep at 4pm (1.76m tall)
Water flowing at all Water waypoints but “water ?” at 8.7km was pretty low and not easy to reach, sounded like it was flowing well downstream.
River crossings between 21.6km and 27.5km all fine. No more than thigh deep for me (1.76m).
Snow present from 30km onwards all manageable until 35.6km at which point we decided it was too much for us.
Hiked back out on RR river crossings were much higher after 4pm but manageable until we got to 22.9km so we camped there and crossed the fords in the morning.
Took variation A on the way out seems the camping area is closed during the week so no one there at all. Gate at 3.3km was still open though.
==Season 2023/24==

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