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GPT Gear Lists

507 bytes añadidos, 25 mayo
Página creada con «The GPT manual provides some useful considerations regarding gear, but it does not contain more comprehensive gear lists. Here are some gear lists compiled by GPT hikers....»
The GPT manual provides some useful considerations regarding gear, but it does not contain more comprehensive gear lists.
Here are some gear lists compiled by GPT hikers.

* Piia and Oliver's list: https://www.nothingtwowrite.com/gpt-gear
* Maddie and Tom's list: https://theadventuregene.com/gpt-two-person-gear-list/
* Fangwen and Tobi's list: [[GPT Gear Lists/Tobias]]
* Michael's list: https://www.michaeldeckebach.com/files/greater-patagonia-trail-gear-list.pdf

[[Categoría:Greater Patagonian Trail]]

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