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GPT45 (Torres Del Paine)

2102 bytes añadidos, 14:22 19 abr 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* 2024-Apr-14 to 2024-Apr-17 / 3.5 days / Hiking / RR (W-Treck) / Joscha
Day 1: RR [114.8-121.1]
Because I could not reserve the Campsites from Las Torres online, I decided to not pay for anything in advance and just go to the Torres del Paine park. I went there by bus and at the park entrance a rangerin entered the bus and "controlled" our tickets. She just took a foto from each ticket without looking at it. I had clicked myself a ticket for children below 12 years which is free and she didn't notice. At the Camping Central Sur I just passed by the reception and went to the back end of the campsite. No one checked and therefore I camped for free.
Day 2: RR [121.1-150.6]
I went up to the Torres for sunrise. It took me 2 hours and 45 minutes from camping Central Sur with my full weight pack and including a few water breaks. At km 150.6 the official park trail to Camping Paine Grande leaves the RR. I followed it until Rio del Frances. I crossed the bridge and than left the official park trail by going south directly after the bridge on another trail. The trail vanished after 20 meters and I continued on the riverside a little further. I found a good tentspot at -51.032528, -73.045562 and camped there. Its wind and view protected.
Day 3: RR [150.6-169.0] + OH03 [65.5-55.0]
RR between 161.7 and 162.8 is closed. The official Park trail branches off the RR at km 150.6 and rejoines RR at km 162.8. I camped at Camp Grey. I also just passed the reception and set up my tent at the back end in the forest. I saw some mice, so hang your food (you should probably hang your food at every campsite in this park).
Day 4: OH03 [55.0-65.5] + RR [169.0-191.6]
RR after km 169.0 (Camp Paine Grande) is a nice, easy trail. I only meet two other hikers which was a nice change to the crowded W-Treck. The ranger station at the finish of Section 45 has Wifi. The password is printed inside the station.
Additional Infos: Camping Chileno, Frances and Paine Grande all have wood platforms for the tents. So if you have a tent thats not free standing you might struggle to set it up.
*Feb-25-2024 to March-2-2024 / 7 days / circuit O (OH3) / Matthieu

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