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GPT13 (Laguna Icalma)

1340 bytes añadidos, 03:26 21 mar 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*2024 Mar 14th to Mar 15 / 2 days / Hiking / SOBO / RR, Var F, Var A / Michael and Kaisa
An easy section even though we took 2 days to do it. We left Liucura around 14:00. It looked like it would be possible to camp on the near side of the foot bridge around km 1.94 if one didn't want to stay in Liucura. Going through the pine plantation we found a bunch of fresh callampas mushrooms (Suillus luteus) which we collected. We camped at (-38.70318, -71.10882). There was a dirt road heading down the direction of the river with no fencing. We found a flat spot on grass close to the river. The next day we arrived in Icalma. The weather was sunny but very windy. Fords were easy. Just before and just after the ford at [16.6/1100] there were nice flat grassy areas that would be good camping spots. We passed a minimarket at (-38.77203, -71.24454). In Icalma there were three shops. The Almacén ECCA had a good selection with good prices. There is another shop across the street and a third on the road toward the border just before the school. The third store also had a good selection of stuff. Heading out the way of the border just a bit we found a family that rented us a “cabana” that they were in the process of renovating for 20.000 CLP. It had hot water in the shower. From there we walked to the border to renew our visa.  *2023-03-12 // 1 day // Hiking // NOBO // beginning of VAR A + VAR F + RR // Quentin Clavel
Started from icalma, this section was easy to follow and not a must do on the GPT, I understand the attractive rate, but still enjoyable, just smooth and easy.

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