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GPT18 (Lago Pirihueico)

336 bytes añadidos, 02:23 13 mar 2024
Resupply and Accommodation along the Route
*2024 / Quentin Clavel
Puerto fuy Is a touristic place, so plenty of few restaurantand fiestas (these places with kind of street food, and lot of tables and chairs at the center, love the atmosphere there), accomodation and mini market.  I FOUND GAZ IN NELTUME !! (5km on the road after Puerto Fuy (Easy to hitchhike, I did all the ferretería of this city and I found a Gaz screw bottle in the ferretería Camilo (39°50′46.12″S 71°56′39.48″W).
In Puerto Pirihueico, possibility to east as well, recommandation for the empanadas and food in Mane's place, just at the ferry.

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