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GPT06 (Descabezado)

234 bytes añadidos, 13:34 11 mar 2024
'''Right of way issues''':
Almost all Most variations of section 6 will pass by Don Victor at km45.5 of the regular route. Even if you don't pass by there, you are likely to meet him at some point on the trail. He requires prior authorization to go through his land, although only some hikers have been able to obtain such authorization, since he seems to not always reply to messages. Without authorization, it is advisable to try to avoid him, especially on the way into his land, since he might turn you around. This makes a start from Vilches unadvisable. Starting from Parque Ingles also has restrictions, see the trip reports below. In particular, there are only a limited number of hikers allowed, and you should not disclose your plans to go via Don Victor's land if you don't have authorization. You can minimize the probability of meeting Don Victor by taking a CC route closer to Descabezado Grande, described by Natalie below (as of March 2024 this route is not yet part of the track files), but this is not an easy route, especially if there is snow.Notice that starting from La Mina requires authorization from An alternative is to do the hydro companyDescabezado Circuit, but finish in Parque Ingles. See the GPT manual on This shorter circuit still goes through via almost all highlights, but entirely avoids Don Victor. You can also connect to section 6 for details5, which similarly avoids him.
Notice that starting from La Mina requires authorization from the hydro company. See the GPT manual on section 6 for details.
==Season 2025/26==

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