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GPT24H (PN Los Alerces Tierra)

1012 bytes añadidos, 19:23 26 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
* 2024-20-23 to 2024-02-26 / 3 days / Hiking / SOBO /RR / Gerald If you want you can go around the park entrance: go to the beach at Camping Puerto Cañero and follow the OSM trial.All of the trails until Laguna Verde are officially closed. Either on the start or end (never on both.. doesn't make any sense) are signs stating that. Trails are in good conditions though, just some trees on the ground, but always with a path around. Mirador Laguna Verde is indeed nice! Aura Camp (-42.718615, -71.728694) is a bit more expensive but a lot nicer than camping Lago Verde. Restaurant is worth a visit, thanks Martin & Helen. The free campsites are still not allowed to use and i don't expect it will change at some point. They do check in the evening and ask where you gonna sleep. So either don't even try or come late. All in all maybe worth it if you haven't seen Alerces. There are some nice spots on this section, but in general not too exciting. In the end walking on the stoney beach is quite tiring. * From 2023-02-14 to 2023-02-15 // 2 day // Hiking // NOBO // VARIANT O, N, M, L, J, A + RR // Quentin Clavel
I came from GPT 25, and I followed the RR, it allows you to avoid the entrance, so I haven't paid, and had no check from guardaparque inside the NP.

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