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GPT02 (Mina El Teniente)

394 bytes añadidos, 19:08 14 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
The march over the ridge at the mine was brutal, no sleep at all, very heavy rucksack because of 9 litres of water, enormous heat without shade, but the worst were the Tabaneros, continuous mass attacks for hours while exposed on the ridge. I must have had 30+ bites and killed hundreds. I found the sections in the high mountains the most beautiful, very quiet, cooler, lots of water, beautiful views, no tabaneros. Saw three condors and arrieros lassoing cows.
Variant E has only partial tracks. I couldn't find a continuous path. I mostly hiked along the dried-up stream bed (the open land is covered in thorny plants), which gets a bit steep towards the end with some easy climbing.The N variant is partly completely overgrownwith quite some bushbashing, partly easy to walk on. Sometimes difficult to find the way, always check the GPS, otherwise you take a supposedly easier path, which then turns out to be a dead end.
To avoid possible right of way conflicts, you can simply bypass the car park at the mine entrance. There is an access to the car park directly from the H-263 road a little to the east. Directly at the entrance to the car park there is a clearly visible trail that climbs steeply a few meters up to the trees. Simply follow this path, it leads parallel to the car park directly to the RR. I recommend managing the RR in this way in future. It would also be a small improvement to avoid the bend in the road just before the 105.8/799 bridge. A staircase leads directly to the bridge as a shortcut.

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