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GPT26 (Carrenleufu)

1157 bytes añadidos, 04:36 12 feb 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
From 2023-02-08 to 2023-02-10 // 3 days // Hiking // NOBO // RR + Variant D // Quentin Clavel
Nice and easy section, very much welcome after the quite demanding GPT27.
Most of the trail is on clear dirt, forestry road, or small trail, that are pretty enjoyable to follow.
Good section if you want to improve your jumping fence skills. I stopped counting after 15 jump over fence/gate.
I've seen two kind settlers on a pickup, they were a bit surprised to see me there, but very sympathic, nice talk, and no problem at all to continue on my way.
To see the into the wild bis, just follow the Variant D.
4 rivers Crossing on this section :
PK 40,87 arroyo huemul
PK 31,86 arroyo Greda
PK 21,79 arroyo baggilt
PK 8,72 Arroyo Baggilt again
The last river crossing PK 8,72 is easily skippable, following the ruta nacional then back on the RR with the gravel road. I advise to do that because this small part of the RR is flooded, and very swampy and muddy.
The crossings were not a problem for me at this time of the year. The deepest one was arroyo huemul, a bit above knees high.
The rest are small fords, or rivers with bridge/passerelle.
==Season 2022/23==

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