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GPT45 (Torres Del Paine)

1220 bytes añadidos, 23:25 12 ene 2024
Season 2023/24
==Season 2023/24==
*Frank 03/01 to 06706/01 2024 4 days RR & optional route SOBO
1. I got the bus going to Laguna Amarga & got out at the junction 14KM from Laguna Azul. Not much traffic, I got a lift for 11KM then walked 3KM to Laguna Azul. The RR bypasses the Laguna Azul park office & continues outside the park. About 2.5KM up the road there is a puesto (not on the map, I marked its location for the 2024 track file update) The puesto owner was concerned about me getting lost (although navigation is easy) & asked me to report back to him on my return, which I did. There is a good puesto about 2KM before the river. The ford was thigh deep & fast. The best place I found to cross was by going upstream until the near bank cliffs out & crossing just before the cliff, . After the crossing an old jeep track (no longer driveable) continues to the second puesto. There are several streams along the way & some sheltered places you can camp on the track but I continued to the puesto, which is about 1KM from the frontier, in 1 long day. Forded the river easily (it was knee deep) before the puesto. There was no one there & I slept in the puesto.
2. I returned to Laguna Azul& slept at the Laguna Azul campsite (see accomodation section) About 7KM from Laguna Azul NOBO a road goes right over a bridge & the RR goes left. There are a few vehicles a day going over the bridge & none continue on the RR. Just as I got to the bridge a van came & I hitched the last 7KM to Laguna Azul. Bought my park entry for the next day online using the campsite wifi.  3. Above Laguna Azul the RR goes SOBO CC on no trail. I continued on the road & after 3.5KM there isa good marked trail going in right which joins & becomes the RR. Followed it to a road junction where the RR again continues CC. I walked on the road to the park entrance. Continued mostly on road to Camping Pehoe. Not recommended as you are on pampa & it's very exposed & windy. At times it was hard to move forward against the wind. This is the main park road & there is quite a bit of traffic so it's dusty. Short section on trail from Laguna Larga. Once you are in the Paine river valley you get some shelter from the wind.  4, Continued from Camping Pehoe to the park exit at Rio Serrano partly on road & sometimes on a faint trail near the road. Walked to Villa Rio Serrano & continued onto GPT46 without entering the village.
From 01/12/2023 to 05/12/2023 // 5 days // hiking // NOBO // RR // Quentin Clavel

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